
Mobile devices Software

Best and Must-Have Smartphone Apps for 2013

Smartphones saw a slew of upgrades and changes throughout 2012. From additional features to increased processing power, these mobile devices have truly become a shaping force in technology. With these newfound capabilities, apps are becoming more powerful as well. These eight apps feature some of the best features, improvements and […]


Software To Understand What Dolphins Are Saying

There are computers rugged enough to immerse in water for a special purpose—to bridge the gap between the sophisticated language of dolphins and that of humans. These touchscreen computers are part of a language interface between two of the most intelligent types of mammals in the world. A variety of software programs […]

Software Technology

Phases Of The Software Cycle

Customers are what ultimately drive products on the market. If a product is not user friendly, then the product is more than likely not going to flourish and could be taken off the market. A user friendly product is as important as the technology behind it. How are customer's needs for a […]

Software Travel and living

Best International Travel Apps

Applications are a relatively new invention, but one which has caught on with epidemic-style. If you would have mentioned the word ‘app' to someone in 2006, they would have looked at you and thought "what an odd person"; now though, you can't escape the word. If you don't have apps […]

Education Software

Types of Educational Software

The integration of computer software in the classroom is a priceless instructive and administrative tool that has transformed the landscape of every school district and every classroom across the country. A myriad of different software applications are utilized every day in the field of education; and one of the most delightful […]


The Most Successful Games Ever Made

Gaming, like anything else, is not without its classic games. To prove this point, here are 10 of the most successful games ever made. Pacman Sometimes the old games are the best. Pacman was a success right from the start. With a simple concept and controls, the objective was simple. […]