Search Results for "physical activities"


Mommy Tips to Raise Kids with a Sharp Mind

With the present generation, parents everywhere are getting tensed with their children as things are completely getting out of hand due to the electronic overload. Among laptops, iPods, video games, smartphones and endless text messages from friends, kids are gradually getting away from those activities that stimulate their bodies and […]


Understanding Obesity Treatment in India

The threat of obesity is increasing day by day. Along with obesity, it brings number of diseases to human body. Obesity is covering its hand on children, adults and young people too. With the changing lifestyle and eating habits, are making these disorders enter into our life. Obesity is a […]


How to Help Children Avoid Type 2 Diabetes

According to, now more than before, children are at a higher risk of getting Type 2 diabetes due to lifestyle changes. There are two different kinds of diabetes. Diabetes type 1 is where your body is no longer able to produce any more insulin. People with this type of […]


Diabetes: Symptoms, Types, Treatment & Care

Diabetes also known as Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar levels for a prolonged period. Diabetes Symptoms: The symptoms of diabetes may seem harmless. However the early a person is diagnosed with diabetes, the greater risk of serious complications […]

Elder care

3 Most Common Aging Issues

No matter how healthy a lifestyle we lead, there is always a possibility of experiencing some diseases, which occur due to aging. As we age, our immune system gets weaker and we are more prone to being affected by different viruses and bacteria. Moreover, our physical condition decreases, so we […]


Bariatric Surgery-The Last Resort to Reduce Weight

Being overweight or obese is not just a cosmetic problem. It increases the risks of various other diseases; the most common among them is diabetes. Several medical researchers have established a relationship between obesity and starting of diabetes. Almost 80 to 90 per cent of the people diagnosed with type […]


Trio Factors to Fight Obesity

If you are overweight then you are not alone. About two-thirds of the adults in U.S. are overweight or obese. Obese is highly associated with a higher risk of chronic diseases, mobility disability and death. Such risk factors are prevalent in older women that includes, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and sometimes […]


Tips for Setting up a Family Weight Loss Program

Obesity and being overweight usually lead to a lot of health issues. Hence, reducing excess weight and maintaining a proper physique is essential to keep all your family members healthy. Weight loss could be achieved by increasing physical activities and exercises as well as by reducing the amount of calorie […]


Extend Your Classroom into a Natural World

Why limit learning to indoors? The outdoor environment and nature takes learning to a whole new level. The outside environment allows the students to learn in and about their natural environment. Knowledge and nature are valuable resources and if these two are blended together, it satisfies the need to learn […]