Search Results for "physical activities"


5 Ways to Stop Weight Gain This Winter

Everybody wants to be fit, slimmer, more body beautiful. Unfortunately, not too many people have the heart to make these goals come true, and the onset of winter will likely see through more people abandoning their fitness goals all together. It’s harder to stay fit in winter. There are at […]


Are You Taking Care of Your Mental Health?

No doubt students are hard-pressed with preparations for class and surprise tests, tight deadlines for projects and assignments, huge work load and intense competition, but they should give top priority to their physical and mental health. In fact, a good mental health should take precedence to all other things as […]


11 Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga originated in ancient India, and these days millions of Westerners of any age and fitness level practice yoga on a regular basis. Even though yoga is a spiritual practice to many people, most Westerners make use of yoga for exercise or to lower stress. There are 3 major techniques […]


Are Digital Gadgets Good For Your Children?

In the contemporary world, we cannot escape the modern technology and all the pros and cons come with it. It has now become necessary to use digital technologies in all domains for greater efficiency, accuracy, speed, economy, and meticulousness. Digital technologies have become so indispensible to our lives that we […]

Travel and living

Awareness about Smog and Its Effect on Citizens

The term “smog” is derived from smoke and fog. It is a type of air pollution that is illustrated as a combination of emissions under some particular climatic conditions. Smog contains hazardous emissions from incinerators, open burning, bonfires, industrial gases, vehicle pollutants, construction activities, mining and excavating activities, etc. Smog […]


Nail Issues Medication for Cancer Patients

Chemotherapy patients frequently feel changes in finger and toenails and even though some of these changes are bearable, others could be more severe and require medication. Nail apparatus modifications are progressively common adverse effect of numerous antineoplastic chemotherapeutic drugs. The kind and severity of nail changes depends on the drug, […]


5 Ways to Look Younger by Aging Gracefully

Getting older comes with many benefits and a few drawbacks. Now that the population is living longer, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond are putting more emphasis on aging gracefully with an all around better quality of life. One key to aging slower is looking younger. A […]