
Mommy Tips to Raise Kids with a Sharp Mind

kids making decisionsWith the present generation, parents everywhere are getting tensed with their children as things are completely getting out of hand due to the electronic overload. Among laptops, iPods, video games, smartphones and endless text messages from friends, kids are gradually getting away from those activities that stimulate their bodies and brains. Although there is nothing wrong in allowing children to indulge in electronic devices as this is the digital age, parents have to always encourage kids to arouse their bodies and brains on a regular basis. While there are kids that are indulging in electronics and sharpening their brains, there are some others that are getting duller. Have a look at the tips for utilizing some of the things that are available to us on a daily basis for raising brainy kids.

  1. Read anything and everything: It goes without mentioning that one of the best things that we can offer a hungry brain is knowledge. What can be a more effective way of learning new things than reading? While chapter books according to his kindergarten schools and pre-schools are certainly wonderful, you can even give you kid a variety of other materials like magazines, newspapers, cookbooks, movie schedules, travel itineraries and many more. Ask them to read it aloud to their neighbors and siblings and also to their grandparents as long as possible. The more they are engaged in reading, the more creative they get.
  2. Small sums and calculations here and there: Families usually spend the most time together in kitchen and this is indeed a wonderful place where you can get your minds thinking mathematically. Give them certain small jobs in the kitchen that will need them to figure out things mathematically. This way they can take interest in kitchen works and also learn mathematics at the same time.
  3. Always keep them active: The kids who are playing outside or are on the swings, in the sandbox, riding bikes and cycles or are engaged in gymnastics are always engaging their minds and imaginations. However, kids who are always watching TV and playing video games are not engaging their minds. Physical activities always stimulate the mental activity and therefore ensure your kids are moving.
  4. Make them take up a new hobby: Find an interest that is appropriate as according to your kid's age and is something that they have not tried before. This could involve building a model airplane, painting still life or learning pottery. Teaching kids to knit and crochet are becoming a new trend as when the brain learns some new skills, it stays sharp.

Therefore, if you are wondering about the ways in which you can raise brainy and intelligent kids, take into account the above mentioned steps. As parents, you always have to be careful about what your kids do while they are growing up. Pay attention, give love and care to bring up knowledgable children.

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