Being overweight or obese is not just a cosmetic problem. It increases the risks of various other diseases; the most common among them is diabetes. Several medical researchers have established a relationship between obesity and starting of diabetes. Almost 80 to 90 per cent of the people diagnosed with type II diabetes are obese.
Diabetes is a disease in which the blood sugar or blood glucose level is too high. In a normal person, the body breaks down the food into glucose which is then transmitted to the cells all over the body. The cells use the insulin hormone to turn the glucose into energy. In type II diabetes the cells of the body cannot make proper use of the insulin. Primarily, the body reacts creating more insulin. But, over time the body fails to make enough insulin to control the blood sugar level. Diabetes is interlinked with a host of other health problems. In order to stay away from diabetes a healthy body weight is crucial. If you are overweight, even a little bit, try to reduce that excess weight as soon as possible.
How to lose weight?
Balancing the food you eat and along with that physical activities can help you to reduce 5 to 10 per cent of your original weight. However, for the group of people whom the doctors refer as morbidly obese, losing weight following this routine can be a challenge. Research has shown that weight loss medications are of little use for people with extreme obesity. When someone is too large, the rule of shedding extra pounds doing exercises is not effective. Dieting is also not helpful for them who want to lose a lot. What will they do?
They can try Bariatric Surgery. Obesity Surgery, also known as Bariatric Surgery, is an effective treatment for the people who are unable to lose weight through any other methods. Like any other major operations, bariatric surgery is also not free from risks. Extreme obesity increases the risks manifolds. Those undergoing bariatric surgery have to stay under medical supervision, take medicines and make major alteration in diets and lifestyle. However, for people with extreme obesity, the benefits of the surgery far outweigh the risks associated with it. The study conducted by the researchers in Cleveland Clinic also shows that the surgery to lose weight is an effective treatment for uncontrolled type II diabetes. The therapy is great even for people who are not excessively overweight.
What are different types of bariatric surgery?
The weight loss surgery is used as a last resort to treat the people who are suffering from life-threatening obesity and other treatments have not worked for them.
Life threatening obesity means:
- Having Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or above
- Having BMI of 35 or above and along with it having type II diabetes or high blood pressure
People, who meet any of these two criteria, bariatric surgery is significantly effective for them. A surgeon can only suggests you after various medical examinations whether you are suitable for the weight loss surgery. There are different procedures of the surgery. These are:
Gastric bypass: it is the most common type of bariatric surgery. A surgeon creates a smaller stomach pouch and attaches the small intestine to one side of the pouch. Having a smaller stomach pouch, the person feels fuller eating lesser quantities. The gastric bypass patients instantly lose 70-75% of their excess body weight. Different studies show that after this treatment, the patients are able to keep away 61.6 per cent of their excess body weight.
Gastric banding: In this procedure, the size of the stomach is reduced using an adjustable gastric band. The band can be tightly fastened or make lose over time to help patients reduce their body weight. Gastric banding patients are able to lose 50-55 per cent of their excess weight within two years from the surgery.
Gastric sleeve resection: In this surgery almost 85 per cent of the stomach is removed permanently. 40 to 60 per cent of excess weight can be reduced over a period of 1 to 2 years.
Your surgeon will recommend you the ideal procedure.
What can be the cost of the surgery?
In addition to be physically and mentally fit for the weight-loss surgeries, it is also essential to arrange the finances. The cost of the procedure depends upon the requirements of the patients- the kind of surgery performed and the post-operative care they are provided.
Does the insurance covers the cost of treatment?
Most of the insurance usually covers the weight loss surgery for people with a BMI of more than 35. Bariatric surgery are included in most of the insurance policies not only for the success rate but also abnormal weight is associated with various other health issues that can be reduced with considerable weight loss. How much will be paid by the insurance companies depend upon different factors. Therefore, it is always better to check with your insurer ahead of your surgery, the amount of expenses that will be covered. But, be assured the expenditure will be extremely beneficial for you.
Rita Sleiman is an expert health consultant and writes for