Search Results for "destroyed"


Eliminating Micro Failure Points In Process Safety

While process safety management has enabled manufacturers to reduce overall safety concerns, there is little doubt that more can be done to secure the manufacturing process to further reduce safety issues and concerns. One area that is receiving more and more attention is the concept of micro failure points. Micro Failure […]


History of the Electric Shaver

Initially, shaving dealt with a sharp object, soap and water. One got shaved hoping that they wouldn’t be left with a scar. Today the shaving experience is totally different. The greatest engineers are backed with loads of cash and they aim to get small, powerful and efficient motors in your […]


8 Things Banned by Customs around the World

Our global world sees millions of packages traveling to all corners of the earth. Countries have their own customs laws which prohibit certain items from crossing their borders (here are the items banned from crossing US borders). The obvious things are drugs, guns, radioactive materials, knives and other dangerous items… […]


Gambling Legislation Situation in US

Online gamblers had fun days at the office until legislators chose to ban their favorite games nationwide. While Internet gambling is still illegal in the US, three states have passed laws that allow their residents to play and other states contemplate the possibility of following suit. Small steps are being […]

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The Evolution of Water Treatment

These days, we may take the quality of our drinking water for granted. We understand that generally our drinking water will be safe as well as having been treated at municipal water treatment centres and that the water quality itself is held to strict standards. Not only this, but we […]


Pest Control: Merits of Eradicating Pests

Pest control includes systematic arrangement for the removal of pests. It requires lots of effort and resources but it is necessary to be done. Especially for homes it is a must. Pests are basically the unwanted insects and rodents that move around our houses and may even hamper our lives. […]