Search Results for "Instagram"


5 Innovative Communication Trends for Small Businesses

Small businesses are often responsible for innovative practices that quickly spread to larger, more established organisations. Nowhere is this advancement more prevalent than in the world of communication, where the innate agility and flexibility of small businesses allows them to chop, change and experiment with the latest communication types to […]

Web reviews

Kidgy App Review

Kids rather play on the smartphones and on the Internet than go outside these days. Besides being a powerful tool for searching any kind of information in general, the Internet brings negative outcomes, especially when it comes down to kids. Of course, the Internet has its pitfalls which every parent […]

Web reviews

Premium Coding Themes Review

Premium Coding (PMCoding) is a team of developers who create themes and other things related to WordPress. PMCoding has some of the most beautiful and elegantly designed themes that focus on the content rather than anything else. They deliver users with responsive themes that are carefully designed and looks stunning. […]

marketing strategy

Sustainable Marketing strategies

When offering your product to the world, the approach is everything. There are many ways of attracting new users, clients, customers, and followers, and almost all of them are highly adaptable. Since the world of marketing is constantly changing, being updated is crucial, so here are some of the most […]


How Online Videos Contribute to the Global Village

Long ago, media was comprised of one-way communication channels, delivering one-size-fits-all messages from big companies to the masses. While consumers had access to movie cameras and recording equipment, the channels for promoting and showing home videos or personal films were very limited. Then came the internet, broadband, and online videos, all of which […]


Disaster Strikes! Now What?

Staffers work hard at helping people find the job of their dreams. So, what happens when a major setback happens and you suddenly stunted from preforming at work? You put your hiring skills to work and get the right people to solve your problems! Here are some things to consider […]