Search Results for "remained"


The UK’s Energy Mix

The UK's sources of energy, and the ways that they are used, constantly change to reflect fluctuations in fuel costs, technological advances, public opinion and the world economy. Despite an increase in the UK population of over 63 million, energy requirements have dropped below the levels used in the 1970s; […]


Ford: History Of The Mustang

The American muscle car has a cult following, but few cars are as popular or iconic as the Ford Mustang. In 1964, the General Manager, Lee Iacocca, envisioned a small, sleek sports car to out-do the competition; he did one better. In 1964, Ford created an entirely new breed of […]


Negative Bias in Online Reviews

You thought you could do some minor electrical work in your house yourself - several blown circuit breakers and a severely tarnished pride later, you realize you were wrong. You finally concede that it's time to seek professional help. You need an experienced, certified electrician. But how do you go […]


The Purpose of Chromatography Columns

Chromatography belongs to that family of inventions that really changed the world but few people know it. Some people may guess with the etymology that it basically means "the writing of colors", from the ancient Greek chroma that means color and graphein that means writing. But very of them can really […]


Anchor Text in a Post Penguin World

With the Penguin 2.0 update that rocked the SEO world in late May, anchor text became quite a big topic of discussion in the SEO community. What level of exact match anchor text is appropriate to use in a post penguin world? What about partial match anchor text? How do […]


The Shorter ‘Lifecycle' of New Cars

New research from a car valuation expert has revealed that the average ‘shelf life' of a car has significantly reduced over the last two decades. New models are now going out of date much faster than previously, car dealers reporting that “motorists currently benefit from the most modern choices and […]


The Greatest Wall Street Crashes Of All Time

American financial markets have always experienced cycles of expansion and contraction. Since the advent of modern stock exchanges, daily stock averages have been used as an indicator of economic activity. At several points during the past century stock markets have crashed, experiencing a steep decline in value in a short […]

Travel and living

Take a Luxurious Jersey Break

Located on the southerly part of Channel Island, Jersey has remained as one of the favorite holiday destinations for years. Why Jersey is so popular as a tourist hub? Jersey records the best sunshine in the British Island has magnificent beaches, spectacular scenery and fascinating history. Only 35 minutes away […]