Search Results for "patient"


Mobile Medical Apps - A Blessing Or A Curse?

With over 4 million downloads per day and 300,000 paid downloads a day, mobile medical apps are gaining widespread attention from smartphone users all over the globe. It is estimated that the mobile health market revenue will reach $26 billion by 2017 is more and more consumers gain awareness of […]


Best Foods to Promote Bone Health

[youtube] Most people know that calcium is good for bone health, but they may not know which food ingredients are rich in this particular nutrient. While many people can recite general answers regarding the nutrients that should be consumed in order to promote bone health, they may not have […]


Is Medical Marijuana the Next Arthritis Treatment?

Marijuana is much in the news these days. What with Colorado’s legalizing of the drug for recreational usage and with the controversy raging over using marijuana as medicine, it’s getting hard to find unbiased, objective information on anything related to the plant. Recreational usage is a whole other topic, and […]


Natural Treatments for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder triggered by excessive electrical activity within one's brain. It is a serious condition affecting the central nervous system, resulting in fits and seizures. In this disease the afflicted person suffers from recurrent and unprovoked seizures. Even though epilepsy is considered to be a generic disorder, […]


Periodontitis-Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can cause the loss of teeth if not treated. It starts with inflammation of the gums due to bacterial growth and gradually destroys the tissue that keeps the teeth in place. What is Periodontitis? Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis, and it is […]