Search Results for "quality health"

Travel and living

Things To Do Before You’re 40

It comes to us all eventually that massive two-digit number that signifies that we’ve reached something of a mid-way point on the journey of life. Obviously there are many ways that you can approach this figurative milestone and from throwing a massive party to making some very odd decisions, there […]

Fitness Health Sport

General Bodybuilding Principles

In the following rows you learn more about general bodybuilding principles for a great workout. Foundation As a beginner, you need the foundation on which to build your muscle. During the first weeks you need to strengthen your body to accommodate with weights. You must follow the routines and never […]


Why Social Care Is a Recession-Proof Career

When the recession hit several years ago, there was a large amount of speculation about how long it would last and the scale of its severity. Since then, economies across Europe have fallen into a state far worse than that predicted by the majority of analysts with many commentators referring […]


Anatomy Of The Modern American Bedroom

Color, comfort and hi-tech design are increasingly becoming part of the modern American bedroom. This private space is significantly larger than it was just a few decades ago and often multitasks as a personal retreat. Our dream bedrooms often include luxurious materials such as hardwood floors, imported tiles and thick […]


Invest in Gold Bullion; Rake in Riches

Future Rings Uncertainty Future is always uncertain. No matter how much you get your future prediction readings done from an astrologer, numerologist, soothsayer, and others of the similar league, you still don't how what the future holds. You could win a fortune tomorrow or you could die of a car […]


Can Water Be Effected By Human Consciousness?

People interested in New Age spirituality and alternative medicines are excited by Dr Masaru Emoto's experiments on the intentional effects on water crystallisation. These first gained wide-spread public exposure in the controversial film/documentary, "What the Bleep do We Know?!" Dr Emoto's experiments: The hypothesis is that the molecular structure of […]