Search Results for "famous sort"


True Religion Jeans-a True Global Phenomenon

Changing lifestyles and a more discerning customer base has established a frenzy in the fashion market-that which was but a good and predictable market with limited needs and much more limited options has witnessed a virtual explosion popular statements and options alike. True Religion Jeans have created greater than a […]

Neighborhood Too Noisy

Is Your Neighborhood Too Noisy? Add Music!

Not all of our neighborhoods can be as quiet and peaceful as we’d like. Even the least-busy streets are often populated with car horns honking, garbage trucks grinding and crashing, and people chatting loudly. Some streets, particularly those in urban areas, maintain a consistent ambient soundtrack of traffic and motion […]


Easy Tech Hacks for Old Cars

New cars nowadays are equipped with the most sophisticated technology that keeps passengers entertained and allows them to stay connected when out on the road, but if you own an older car, you probably don’t get to use any of those cool features that can make your ride more enjoyable […]


How Can Teachers Enhance Collaborative Learning?

Henry Ford once said, "If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself." Collaborative learning embraces this idea by relying on groups to work towards an academic goal together. Students in collaborative environments maintain individual accountability but have the responsibility of listening to, not just "hearing", each member of […]

Travel and living

Traveling to Goa, India

For some Goa means fun, while for others it means tranquility. The saga of defining Goa in different terms doesn't end here, as for another set of people it means natural beauty. Different people have different definition for the place; however, the reality is that Goa is among those unique […]

Society & Culture

Bizarre Aspects of The Japanese Culture

Japan is one of the oddest place in the whole world with a unique convergence of circumstance, tradition and technology. The Feudal samurai ideals has managed to combine with some of the most advanced technologies while it remains to be the only country with living survivors of the atomic bomb […]