Search Results for "Medical care"


How Ultrasound Portability Is Changing The World

Anyone with a history of a life-threatening illness can tell you that diagnosis is key for timely, proper treatment. Historically, using invasive procedures for diagnosis could leave a patient in a worse condition than they were in to begin with, and if their situation was dire, it could even mean death. Medical […]

Software Technology

Phases Of The Software Cycle

Customers are what ultimately drive products on the market. If a product is not user friendly, then the product is more than likely not going to flourish and could be taken off the market. A user friendly product is as important as the technology behind it. How are customer's needs for a […]


Natural Ways to Cut Fat and Look Slim

Obesity is a term that is used for obese. Fat individuals that are being affected by having additional body weight are called obese individuals in healthcare terms. Obesity is a serious problem of modern times because due to this problem, various illnesses are being started. BMI is shortened from the […]

Other stories

Famous Diabetics

It is a common misconception that an illness like diabetes can stop you from achieving your goals and ambitions. Yet as the achievements of the celebrities in our list below prove, a change in lifestyle does not mean relinquishing your dreams. By taking prescribed medication, finding time for exercise and […]


How To Become a Police Officer in The UK

For a lot of people becoming a police officer has been their dream since childhood, for others it's something that has been more recent. Either way becoming a police officer is a worthwhile and exciting job that invigorates, challenges and rewards. A police officers as you well may know is […]