Search Results for "Medical care"


When Professional Jocks Were Geeks

We’re all well aware of the struggle between brains and brawn, but some people were blessed with both. A surprising number of athletes have incredible academic pasts, and some were even hoping to follow a much geekier career path. Here are some of the smartest jocks in all of professional […]


Why You Need a Patient Advocate

The United States' health care system is complicated - and getting more and more complicated by the day, as the nation adjusts to the changes wrought by the Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare, which is set to take effect next year. So whether it is you or a loved […]

Elder care

Help Your Elder Loved Ones to Battle Incontinence

Everyone gets old one day. Our bones more brittle, our muscles weaker, our reflexes dull, and our bodies seemingly function outside our control. Incontinence or the involuntary secretion of urine/bowels is one of the most under reported medical conditions in the world. One can understand why someone would not want […]


Identify the Symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Among the many complicated disorders that plague the human body, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome takes the cake as the most difficult to diagnose. It is an intricate disorder that is indicated when a person finds themselves with unusually high levels of fatigue. What makes it so complicated is that the patient […]


The Highest Demanded Jobs In The U.S.

Despite unemployment rates remaining steady at around 7.5 percent as of April 2013, there are still industries that maintain a high demand of available jobs. If you hold certain skills, experience, and a level of education, you could find yourself coming into your dream job at just the right time. […]


Litigation Has No Standard Benchmarks

Litigation outcomes have never been the same the world over, even though the base of a case might seem similar and feature the same stakeholder. This is because laws quoted for the rulings are quite different for each country. Though some cases have been used as benchmarks across the borders, […]


Credit Card Shopping Sprees

What types of items do you use your credit card for? Do you keep your credit card handy and use it for day-to-day purchases such as lunch, gas, and maybe a trip to the grocery store? Do you use it for bigger purchases such as an entertainment system or a […]