Search Results for "virtually"


Does saving on shopping really pay off?

Saving on shopping has ceased to be the domain of people who count every penny and deny themselves virtually everything. Reducing unnecessary expenses is in line with the zero waste trend. Food surpluses do not end up in the trash can, and unnecessary clothes do not lie around in your […]


Can Medical Marijuana Help With Migraine Headaches

If you have ever had a migraine, you will know how debilitating it can be. In the United States, an estimated 30 million people suffer from these throbbing headaches, which are often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to light. In the UK, approximately 15 out of 100 people experience […]


Are You Ready to Upgrade to a Larger Vape Mod?

Do you vape? If you switched from smoking to vaping relatively recently, there’s a good chance that you’re using a small device such as a cigarette-shaped e-cigarette or a pod vaping system. When you visit a vape shop, though, you’re going to see a large stock of larger, more powerful […]


5 Ways Project Management Software Make Scheduling Easier

Project management software (PMS) is not a new technology. Businesses have been using it to eliminate or at least reduce the frequency of meetings and emails, which have negative effects on workers’ productivity. Best known for making project management a breeze, such a system can be highly relied on for […]

Social media

Social Media Disruption: What’s Next?

Social media has changed the lives of most people on the planet. Apart from those without Internet connectivity or access to smartphones, we are all touched in one way or another with or by social media. From the humble beginnings of a chat forum, through to sharing of photos, videos, […]


5 Hot Technologies for 2020

We are approaching fall and the year will soon come to an end – just as technological trends come and go. Come 2020, some of today’s trends may fade away, while some other trends that went unnoticed until now could jump into the spotlight. It’s hard to tell what’s going […]