Search Results for "life- style"

Personal finance

A Few Bright Ideas for Saving Money

People are quite good at making money but most people have a problem making that money stick with them. Like most, one moment it’s there and then suddenly, it’s gone. The saddest thing is that most people can’t even explain where it went. I mean, how can an accountant not […]

Travel and living

Vacation Ideas that Suit Workaholics the Best

According to Dr. Mark Griffiths Evaluation and the Health Professions review, the prevalence of individuals addicted to work among Americans is about 10%. It is an intrusive dedication that prevails over almost all aspects of life. For many people their addiction is related inseparably to feelings of their intrinsic value […]


Apps for Motivation

The modern world of informational frenzy and mundane day-to-day routine sometimes might make us feel drained and passionless about certain things and life in general. As a result, we face numerous repercussions including depression, total loss of interest in life and people and, the most painful thing is questioning yourself […]

Other stories

The Surprising Mental Health Benefits of Watching Porn

While some studies suggest potential mental health benefits to consuming pornography, such as stress relief, it is essential to remember that every individual’s experiences and reactions can differ. The most common motives for porn use are sexual pleasure, emotional distraction or suppression, stress reduction, and fantasy. Here are some points […]


Indoor Gardening Ideas

A garden will not grow just to satisfy its owner’s ambitions or to meet the gardener’s expectations. They thrive because someone expended patient daily efforts on them. If you do not have enough space for your garden, but you are eager to surround yourself with greenery, an indoor garden is […]


Overprotective Parenting: Is it Good for Children?

It’s a pretty common dynamic that one parent will always be more protective of their children than the other. It’s a good balance, and parenting is all about complementing one another’s different skills. But what are the effects of overprotective parenting, and how does it manifest itself in the 21st […]


5 Reasons You Should Quit Smoking Now

You already know you should’ve quit a long time ago. While quitting smoking cannot happen overnight, you can definitely start with baby steps towards a cleaner life. However, this is easier said than done. Quitters should talk to a doctor first and take medicines to curb the addiction. Some smokers […]


Can I Get Life Insurance If I Have Diabetes?

Most life insurance policies will require you to have some sort of medical exam before applying. The stricter life insurance policies may disqualify you if you have certain life-threatening conditions. Other life insurance policies are considered to be “guaranteed” and will approve nearly all of their applicants. One common condition […]