Search Results for "-degree angle"

Web design

How to Make Your E-commerce Site Conversion Friendly

There have been many changes observed in ‘customers' purchase behavior' in recent years. Gone are those days, when an ecommerce site loaded with impressive graphics, informative content and customer-friendly features was enough to convert the visitors into paying customers. Nowadays, apart from incorporating the previously mentioned things on the sites, […]


The Many Uses of 3D Printing

With the 3D Printing creating a buzz throughout the tech-o-sphere, other industries are still wondering how these advanced ink technologies can prove valuable to their industries. It is obvious that 3D printing can be of great value in architecture, engineering and automotive facets, however, industries such as the Fashion do […]


Should You Push on Through Yoga Injuries?

A yoga class is commonly used to prevent injury in the first place through increasing your flexibility. There are those occasions where you'll actually cause a soft tissue injury by pushing yourself to the max. Injuries won't necessarily cripple you, though. In many cases, it will hurt but it won't […]


How to Organize Your Kitchen Essentials

When someone moves into a new home, the first thing that comes to mind is to organize the kitchen. There are lots of things that need to be kept in a perfect order so that a kitchen looks at its best. It implies keeping the kitchen essentials like utensils, storage […]


Women’s Body Shapes and How To Dress Accordingly

In the midst of ever-evolving fashion trends, knowing how to dress while flattering your body type might as well be the very first step in creating your own personal sense of style. Body type is all about biological proportion and measurement, while fashion is essentially about finding pieces of clothing […]


What Makes an Effective Sale or Auction Advert

Thanks to online marketplace and auction sites, just about anyone can offer their goods and/or services up with little overhead and reaching a wide, even global audience. There are businesses that operate exclusively in these sites; browse around eBay and you'll see what I mean. After a few minutes looking […]

Mobile devices

BlackBerry Q10 Vs. BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry has made incredible progress in the past year, undergoing a significant rebranding and working to make the company truly relevant again. The BlackBerry Z10 and the BlackBerry Q10 for Verizon Wireless were both released, both quality phones, and the company is slowly making its way back into the game. […]