Search Results for "-degree angle"


Types of Brain Lesions and Symptoms

Are you a victim of brain lesions but somehow not aware of what exactly does it mean and its symptoms and causes? Well, you have landed on the right page to learn more about this unsettled and confusing health problem. What is brain lesion? Brain lesion refers to the growth […]


Signs of an Abusive Partner

Being in a relationship can be maddening, especially when you become a tad obsessive with your partner. You want to spend every waking hour together or know their every movement. Unfortunately, if you immerse yourself too much in the relationship, it can turn into an all-consuming and suffocating bond. In […]


Big data driving the IT Jobs market

You've probably heard the statistic that for every minute of the day we upload an hours' worth of video to Youtube, but did you also know that we create 2.5 quintrillion bytes of data? According to IBM "90% of the data in the world today has been created in the […]


The Safest Cars On The Road

Everyone, especially those with kids, gives some consideration to safety and crash test ratings when buying a new or used car. While only the most paranoid and/or crash prone among us will base our entire car-buying decision off a car's crash-worthiness, it merits some consideration. Your car's crash test ratings affect […]


How Jaw Structure Affects Your Appearance

Innumerable factors impact the appearance of the face. Genetics influence different aspects, including nose shape, the angles of the jaw and forehead, eye color, plumpness of cheeks and skin tone. Age plays a critical role in the shaping of the jaws as well, as do environmental factors such as chewing […]


Marketing Tips for your Business Success

Business success depends more on marketing strategies used. This is because there is intense competition in almost every business. The marketing strategies should focus on reaching as many potential clients as possible. The advent of technology has made this quite easy since you can reach millions of clients globally within […]

Exteriors Interiors

Why Add a Conservatory in Your Home

A common belief that seems to float around way too highly than necessary is to think of a conservatory as something that should be in a botanical garden. We don't blame people for thinking this way. From a particular angle, conservatories sure look like they should have been part of […]