Search Results for "ăn cay"


How can you get whiter teeth naturally?

Every day, your teeth endure a multitude of substances thrown their way and we can often carry ourselves through the day without giving a single thought to the repercussions of our oral habits. Nevertheless, in the appearance-driven society that we live in, the yellowing of teeth is one complication of […]


8 Things Banned by Customs around the World

Our global world sees millions of packages traveling to all corners of the earth. Countries have their own customs laws which prohibit certain items from crossing their borders (here are the items banned from crossing US borders). The obvious things are drugs, guns, radioactive materials, knives and other dangerous items… […]


Tooth Decay in Children: It Really Is Avoidable

Tooth decay is incredibly common and many parents and caregivers think it is unavoidable that their child will get cavities. In fact tooth decay is entirely avoidable through taking preventative action to break the cycle of decay. How Cavities Are Formed Cavities are caused when bacteria utilize carbohydrates from foods […]


How We Can Save Our Teeth Naturally

My mother often advised before I went to bed “Go to the washroom and clean your teeth”. Interestingly she didn’t know that brushing teeth every night is not good enough to prevent cavities. I know she said this because most people struggle with terrible teeth stains, tooth decay and more. There […]


How Can You Design Your Deck

Decks aid in utilizing your courtyard completely. It serves as a space where you can entertain the guests and spend some time with your family. Planning occupies a significant part when deciding to construct a deck for your home. Deck serves in the form of a landing space separating the […]


Root Canal Treatment: Is it Safe for You?

The dental problems have become common these days irrespective of the age group, one such treatment include root canal treatment. A root canal therapy deals with repairing and thus saving the infected or badly damaged tooth. This treatment option deals in removing the damaged area inside the tooth or the […]


Removing a Tree: Pulling and Burning

While there are many methods to use when it comes to removing a tree, pulling and burning are two of the more common ones. This article will discuss what is involved in both methods of removal. Pulling Equipment with cables, winches, and pulley systems are typically used to remove the […]