Search Results for "cameras"


Is the United States set for a “War on Immigration”?

Immigration has been a long-standing, contentious issue in American politics. Early American history witnessed the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798, which ruled that 14 years of residency were necessary before an ‘alien' could be grant citizenship. Later in to the nineteenth century, the 14th Amendment of 1868 addressed the […]

Travel and living

Safari Holiday Planning

Planning any holiday can be a intimidating task, but planning a Safari can be one of the hardest travel holidays to plan. You are most probably going to base your decision on the usual variables - climate, activities, children and equally important budget. And African Safari holidays cater for them […]

Software Web design

The Best 3D Animation Software

There are many choices of 3D software that are available in the market today. Your choice would depend on your specific needs-either you may have rough ideas of stick figures to play around with, or the more complex visual effects that require higher resolution, would eventually decide on what product […]


Generation Gadget: The Top Gadgets For Your Kids

There's no escaping the ongoing gadget revolution. It seems that every week there is a new development in the labs of Apple or Microsoft, hundreds of new apps flooding our iOS and Android devices' stores, different gizmos presenting a whole new host of challenges to master. While our relationships with our gadgets […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]


The Safest Cars On The Road

Everyone, especially those with kids, gives some consideration to safety and crash test ratings when buying a new or used car. While only the most paranoid and/or crash prone among us will base our entire car-buying decision off a car's crash-worthiness, it merits some consideration. Your car's crash test ratings affect […]

Mobile devices Software

Best and Must-Have Smartphone Apps for 2013

Smartphones saw a slew of upgrades and changes throughout 2012. From additional features to increased processing power, these mobile devices have truly become a shaping force in technology. With these newfound capabilities, apps are becoming more powerful as well. These eight apps feature some of the best features, improvements and […]


High-Tech Spy Gadgets and Their Many Uses

The word spy gets thrown around a lot when talking about small electronic devices, but there really isn't anything inherently mystical or dramatic about these little gadgets. Sure, once upon a time micro cameras and tiny microphones were considered innovative, military grade technology that only a handful of government agents […]