Search Results for "browser"


Ad Blocking: A Savior or a Problem?

Currently, there is a lot happening in the industry and one of them is ad blocking. Depending who you are (A customer or an advertiser), you might consider it as a savior or a budding problem. Well, both the points make sense, to some extent. No matter who you are […]

Social media

Nuances of the Social Recruiting

According to the various studies in 2017, the world’s population uses about 50 different social networks. Some are considered to be global, while others specialize in specific markets, locations or regions. Facebook is the largest social network. With over 1,870 million active users, it holds an 18% market share, 7% […]

Mobile devices

What are Best Technologies for Mobile App Development?

Mobile Application serves and meets our day to day requirements. Developments of compelling mobile applications are challenging and the whole development process involves a specific amount of innovations and use of advanced development tools in the trending Mobile App industry. There is quite a number of high-quality tools designed specifically […]

Data security

How to Protect Yourself on the Internet? [Infographic]

Nowadays privacy is turning into a sophisticated delight. With the spread of payment technologies, Internet banking and other services connected with your money and personal information in the web, dangers waiting for you are significantly increasing. Despite numerous antiviruses and anti-malware programs developed every day, hackers find out new ways […]


Saving the Planet with Office Supplies

With the rise of concern for the environment, many suppliers and building owners have become aware of the effect it has on the workplace. However, there are plenty of options you can consider for a more eco-friendly office and to save on your business-related expenses as well, from shopping smarter […]


7 Tips to Optimize SEO

Despite the fact that the mentioned post was published three years ago, the councils we talk about are still important, so we recommend you take a look. In this “second part” we want to focus on more specific and technical tricks, so if you really are interested in getting your […]