Search Results for "Royal Ace"


Brief History of Archery

Archery, one of the ancient sports of the world, has an ennobling history behind it. Historians talked about arrowheads dated as far as over 25,000 years ago. They also mentioned about shafts of bows as well as arrows, arrows with feathers and other relevant things associated with archery that dated […]


Tips on Choosing Wedding Hair Accessories

If a bride chooses not to adorn her hairstyle, it is not a very bad decision. However, wearing something sparkling and beautiful over your mane denotes that you are queen of the day. After all, will you wear it on any other occasion? No; then, why not to wear it […]


On Trend: Industrial Modernism

With so many trends in design and architecture, it can be difficult to tell which elements to incorporate in your own home. The key when integrating new trends into your home is to keep high ticket items in timeless, classic lines and colors, and incorporate trends in easy to change […]

Social media

Which Social Media Platform?

The impact of social media upon the world around us is undeniable. Although it can be argued that these platforms were originally designed as casual meeting places, they have quickly evolved into an effective means by which information can be disseminated at record speeds. This can be evidenced by such […]

velvet chairs

The Velvet Renaissance in Interior Design in 2014

Velvet… Any associations? Personally, I always think about Italian Baroque, about the excessive luxury of the Louvre, about damsels in distress and noble knights (or more likely about their castles and gowns). For centuries, this magnificent fabric has been a symbol of affluence, a trademark of the rich and the […]


How to Market a New Product Invention

Got the bug to take a big idea all the way to market? Taking an idea from rough drawing to a store shelf is probably one of the most gratifying experiences an inventor can have. But to get the most out of your valuable time and resources, following the advice of those […]