Search Results for "pharmaceutical companies"


The Pharmaceutical Industry According to Jared Wheat

One man who has caused a transformation in the pharmaceutical industry is the President and CEO of Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals, Mr. Jared Robert Wheat. He is responsible for millions of online diet supplements including weight loss and sexual performance medication. On this interview, he gives his experience in the pharmaceutical industry […]


Personalized Medicine and Gene Editing

Personalized medicine and gene editing represent an exciting new era in healthcare. These cutting-edge technologies allow medical treatments to be tailored to each patient’s unique genetic makeup, promising a future of more effective and precisely targeted therapies. In recent years, great strides have been made in understanding the genetic basis […]


Why CROs are Growing in Popularity

It can be challenging for businesses to run a clinical trial, particularly with the eclectic resource requirements and numerous regulations. As healthcare legislation continues to change, the barriers are only going to increase. This has lead the growth of Contract Research Organizations, which are also known as CROs. In many […]


What the Farm Bill Means for the HEMP Industry

The possession of cannabis (including hemp) has been outlawed since the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Since then, cannabis has been considered a dangerous class of drugs. But now that President Donald Trump signed the farm bill, hemp has been taken off the Controlled Substances Act and is now a […]


5 Facts You Didn’t Know about Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Most people don’t realize how integral refrigeration and air conditioning have been integrated into many industries. Regulated air conditioning and refrigeration are critical necessities for businesses because they carry huge applications. The following 5 facts exemplify those applications for reasons to keep your unit as properly maintained as possible. Delivery […]


What is a shrink wrap machine used for?

Shrink wrapping is a process in which an item of a group of items are wrapped in a loose plastic film, shrinks when applied with heat and tightly takes the shape of the enclosed products. Shrink wrap machine is a multipurpose material that is very adaptable and has been revolutionized […]