Search Results for "ounce glass"


Why Wear Designer Sunglasses, Aren’t They All the Same?

Why do you think all the celebrities wear sunglasses? It gives them an instant appearance transformation! You could also take a cue from them, adding some elegance, mystique and stylishness to your appearance. It is however more than merely a fashion statement. Sunglasses with Bi-Focal and Progressive Lenses also give our eyes […]


Current Eyeglasses Trends

You've had a really long day and are looking forward to simply chilling out on your couch while mindlessly watching reality TV re-runs. But as you settle into your customary spot, you feel something poking your backside. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about it; your lower body is […]


Tips to Help Reduce Your Risk of Cancer

While genetics can play a crucial role in your chances of getting cancer, there are some things that you can do to reduce your risk. From eating a healthy diet to getting regular physical exams, you can increase your chances of enjoying a happy, healthy and long life with the […]


Choosing the Right Baby Milk Bottle

Starting a family now is quite an advantage. Almost everything is accessible, and when you find something hard, you can effortlessly search for it. Just like when you need baby supplies, you can easily search for online stores like Not Too Big that sell baby products like Not Too Big […]


5 Mental Benefits of Going Sober for a Month

With the holidays approaching, there will be a slew of opportunities for alcohol consumption. Work parties, family gatherings, and holiday happy hours make drinking even more accessible than it already is. Some people who indulge in holiday drinking will be able to enjoy quality family time and keep up with […]


Calvin Klein – An American Luxury Brand Icon

The brand was founded in 1968. It is well-known for its iconic “cK” (Calvin Klein) emblem. The small shop was initially started as a coat shop that operated out of the York Hotel. The brand was founded in 1968 and is easily recognizable thanks to the iconic “cK” emblem. The […]

Travel and living

6 Lighting Hacks for a Healthy Lifestyle

In summers, we bask under the natural light, oftentimes, the luxury of it all seems too easily accessible to be cherished thoroughly – one of the much-unappreciated benefits of healthy natural lighting. The sweet chill of winter beckons a path for approaching dim natural light – disinclines us to take […]


Why You Need to Recycle Your Car

There are roughly 12-15 million vehicles that make their way to come under the category of junk car every year because of a number of reasons like engine failure, old age or crash damage. Owing to the fact that any standard car contains around 65% iron and steel by weight […]