
6 Reasons To Choose BigCommerce To Accelerate your eCommerce Business

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce, it is crucial to have a robust and reliable platform that can propel your business to new heights. BigCommerce is one such platform that has gained immense popularity among online retailers. With advanced features and user-friendly interface, it offers a comprehensive solution to accelerate your eCommerce business. The platform offers various features, however, to leverage them strategically, you must hire a professional BigCommerce development company. In this blog, we will discuss the six compelling reasons why you should choose BigCommerce to boost your eCommerce store.

1. Scalability and Flexibility

One of the key benefits of BigCommerce is its scalability and flexibility. Whether you are a startup or an established business, it can accommodate your needs. The platform is capable of handling high traffic volumes and can seamlessly scale up as your business grows. With BigCommerce, you don’t have to worry about outgrowing your eCommerce platform or experiencing downtime during peak seasons. Moreover, the platform offers a wide range of customizable templates and themes that allow you to create a unique and visually appealing online store. You can tailor the design, layout, and functionality to match your brand identity and provide an exceptional user experience to your customers.

2. Robust Functionality

BigCommerce provides a comprehensive set of eCommerce functionalities that empower online retailers to effectively manage and grow their businesses. The platform offers essential features like product catalog management, inventory tracking, order processing, and secure payment gateways. These features ensure a seamless shopping experience for your customers and streamline your operations. Additionally, it integrates with various third-party applications and services, enabling you to extend the functionality of your online store. This flexibility allows you to leverage the best tools available in the market to optimize your business processes.

3. Mobile-Optimized Shopping Experience

In today’s mobile-driven world, having a responsive and mobile-optimized online store is crucial for success. On that note, one of the major features of BigCommerce is its built-in mobile optimization to ensure that your store looks and functions flawlessly across all devices. The platform’s responsive themes automatically adapt to different screen sizes, delivering an immersive shopping experience to your customers, regardless of the device they use. The platform also optimizes the checkout process for mobile devices, reducing cart abandonment rates and boosting conversions. With BigCommerce, you can capture the growing mobile audience and maximize your sales potential.

4. SEO and Marketing Tools

To thrive in the competitive eCommerce landscape, you need to enhance your online visibility and attract a steady stream of organic traffic. SEO optimization is another one of the crucial benefits of BigCommerce to help you achieve your traffic generation goals and broaden your store’s reach. The platform provides customizable URLs, meta tags, and sitemaps to optimize your online store for search engines. It also integrates with popular marketing tools like Google Analytics, MailChimp, and HubSpot, allowing you to track your website performance and execute targeted marketing campaigns. Furthermore, it enables you to leverage social media platforms by integrating with Facebook and Instagram. This integration allows you to sell directly on these platforms and tap into a vast user base.

5. Robust Security and Compliance

When it comes to eCommerce, security is paramount. BigCommerce understands the importance of protecting your customers’ sensitive information and offers robust security features. The platform is Level 1 PCI compliant, ensuring that your user data is encrypted and securely stored. It also provides SSL certificates, which establish a secure connection between your website and your customers’ browsers, instilling trust and confidence in their online shopping experience. Moreover, your hired BigCommerce development company will take care of regular security updates, backups, and server maintenance, allowing you to focus on growing your business without worrying about technical security aspects.

6. Excellent Customer Support

BigCommerce offers excellent customer support service. It provides support via live chat, email, and phone, ensuring that you receive timely assistance whenever you need it. Whether you have technical queries, need help with customizations, or require guidance on optimizing your store, BigCommerce’s dedicated support team is there to assist you. The platform’s commitment to customer satisfaction sets it apart and makes it an ideal choice for eCommerce businesses of all sizes.


BigCommerce offers a comprehensive set of features and functionalities that can accelerate your eCommerce business. With scalability, flexibility, mobile optimization, robust eCommerce tools, SEO optimization, security measures, and excellent customer support, BigCommerce provides a solid foundation for your online store’s success. Whether you’re a startup or a large enterprise, this platform empowers you to build and scale your eCommerce business with ease.

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