Search Results for "health"


Positive and Negative Effects of Alcohol on Sex

If you take alcohol, it can have some effects on you sex life of which some are positive while others are negative. There is a general misconception that alcohol is an aphrodisiac by acting as a social lubricant. Several studies conclude that alcohol enable some people in overcoming sexual inhibitions and […]


Methods to Give Red Wine a Different Color

Most red wines that are not quite red are considered rose. But it’s not just the color that gets them the classification that we know. They are actually processed quite differently although they are made from the same grape varieties that produce red wine. Rose wine refers to the light […]

Home & family

Types of Businesses Every Homeowner Can Use

Homeowners frequently need help from professionals to take care of important tasks in their home. While some homeowners may use services like a housekeeper, a landscaper or a pool care provider, other homeowners handle basic tasks on their own and don't bring in outside assistance. However, even the most ardent do-it-yourselfer does, […]


Periodontitis-Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can cause the loss of teeth if not treated. It starts with inflammation of the gums due to bacterial growth and gradually destroys the tissue that keeps the teeth in place. What is Periodontitis? Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis, and it is […]


What are Indigestion, Heartburn and Dyspepsia?

These interchangeable terms refer to discomfort in the upper abdomen, which may be associated with belching, acid reflux into the gullet and abdominal pain. Treatment in the first instance involves the avoidance of foods and situations that seem to trigger the symptoms and taking small but regular meals throughout the […]


The Advantages of Muay Thai for Women

If you ladies are looking for a good regimen to base your workout on, why not try doing Muay Thai? This martial art that originated from Thailand will surely get your whole body burning and get you fit and alert in your day-to-day activities. Don't be intimidated by its intense […]

Elder care

Dealing with Mobility Loss in Retirement

Immobility, or a loss of mobility, is a frightening experience, but much more of a big deal is made about it that really should be. As a nation, we tend to think that immobility is a problem that cannot be solved. It’s seen as something inevitable. However, while mobility problems […]


Ways to Improve Sleep Quality

As you go about making positive changes to your lifestyle to improve your health while making the decision to quit smoking nicotine cigarettes, one thing that is very important that you'll want to make sure you're doing is assessing your sleep quality. Sleep quality is something that matters considerably when […]