Search Results for "certa leve"

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Dental Issues For The Elderly

We often think of tooth loss as a natural function of aging and, to a certain degree that is true — years of wear and tear can diminish our enamel. But age alone is not the real culprit when it comes to tooth loss; rather it's our dental habits and […]

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The Destructive Effects of Global Warming

With such drastic change in climate temperature and the overall environment due to energy overuse and abuse it isn't uncommon to be met with some the costly aftereffects of Mother Nature. Global warming is obviously a more common one we face, it is something many are familiar with or at […]

Web reviews

Top 7 Apps for City Wandering

Sometimes you need to go on a date. A date with the city. To wander through its streets, to breathe its atmosphere, to overhear some stories and watch people like you. Of course, you don't do it alone, your smartphone is always with you on the go. There are some […]


The Processes of Managerial Control

The basic elements of the control process in an organisational setting are simple and straightforward. Each of these basic components involves important managerial attention and decisions. The processes of managerial control include:Establish standards Measure performance Compare performance against standards Evaluate results (of the comparison) and, if necessary, […]


Top Signs You Have a Strong Brain as an Executive

Executives spend huge amount of money and time each year on their physical strength and health without realising that mental strength matters much more than these two things. A lot has been written about how mental strength and some of it critical characteristics such optimism, determination and unfailing ability to […]

European Design Awards 2015
Web design

Unleash Your Creative Talents and Get Rewarded

Designers face tough challenges and really need to brainstorm hard to come up with unique ideas for creating designs that would serve the specific needs of the company. These have resulted in the evolution of certain contests and award ceremonies that are organized every year to honor and recognize the […]


A Voice for the Father

Family law disputes can be the most emotionally draining types of cases in the legal system. And it is no surprise as to why. The end of a relationship that leads to divorce brings out a host of emotions, ranging from anger, distrust, resentment and sorrow. And while dealing with […]