Designers face tough challenges and really need to brainstorm hard to come up with unique ideas for creating designs that would serve the specific needs of the company. These have resulted in the evolution of certain contests and award ceremonies that are organized every year to honor and recognize the genuine hard efforts and challenges faced by the developers in this saturated and highly competitive industry.
This blog post discusses few of the awards given by renowned graphic designing companies as a token of recognition and honor in regard to the creativity and genuine efforts put forth by the designers.
Adobe Design Achievement Award
This award is given each year to honor and celebrate students' achievement in recognizing the potent fusion of creative talent and technology. The contestants need to create either individual or group project making use of Adobe software. The competition is held each year to recognize the most brilliant and creative graphic designer, game developers, most promising student, illustrator, computer artists, animators, digital film makers, etc. This award actually inspires students going for higher education to go global.
This award held annually, felicitates the best communication design for the whole of Europe. The jury of the award comprises of design critics and editors of the industry. The award is based on a collaborative effort made by the top magazines of graphic design that also constitute the jury. Representatives from these leading digital publication houses and communities of Europe form the digital jury.
The award intends to initiate a celebration of original European designs preserving all its regional elements. Through this award the organizers actually help in facilitating the participating designers of Europe to come together with each other and build a strong network that will enable them to meet, share their ideas, set up a benchmark and be inspired by each other's creations. Whether it is a company logo, brochure, calendars or infographics, the designs can be submitted under various categories.
Commonly referred to as the ED Awards, it helps in promoting and raising the standard of communication design all over Europe as contestants from across the continent take part in the contest. This award actually honors and rewards the creative people who invest in their valuable time and put forth their genuine efforts in creating excellent designs. Thereby this award helps in the creation of a directory of excellent European communication designs that helps in fetching buyers across the globe in search of collaborators.
This award celebrates and recognizes the efforts and creative talents of the designers and is organized by the Association of Registered Graphic Designers. The award is based on graphic design projects that have an underlying theme of communication designs created with the purpose of doing social good. The organizers intend to work actively towards imparting meaning and bringing about a positive change in our life and outlook.
The award honors the noble responsibility that modern day designers need to visualize with respect to the important issues faced by the contemporary society as well as in finding out innovative ways to lead to a betterment thereby changing and improving the way we live. The award is organized each year with the firm belief that approaching the social causes and issues faced by the society in a creative way will certainly lead to a difference in the world. The entries for the contest will begin in the first month of 2015.
HOW Logo Design Competition and Awards
It is organized each year and intends to recognize the talent and genuine efforts made with respect to logo designing irrespective of the fact that whether these logos are designed for a client, an organization, for work or simply for oneself. There are no special categories in the contest and the judgment is done basically on the intelligence level and uniqueness of the concept as reflected from the logo.
Graphic Design Award by Yamaha 2015
The renowned Yamaha Corporation in collaboration with Yamaha Motor Co. Ltd has launched Graphic Design Award Competition often referred to as GDAY. It is said to be an international award that is intended to recognize the hard work in the field of graphic design. It is organized with the aim to honor innovative communication ideas in regard to graphic designs from emerging as well as established visual communication design collectives or designers.
It intends to bring about new ideas of communication making sound use of the power of graphic design and using the same as a medium to overcome the differences and thereby allow designers in holding effective communications and initiate visibility of ideas.
Apart from these awards, there are several other design contest websites for all forms of graphic designs as well as those exclusively for logo designs like 99Designs, Logo My Way, Hatchwise, Design Crowd, Crowd Spring, etc that hold competitions to crown the maker of the best design. There are several directories of graphic and visual art design competitions like AIGA, Design Boom, Dexigner, Graphic Competitions, Contest Watchers, etc…
These sites are great places to showcase the creative abilities to the world and earn due recognition for the same. Standing out and creating one's own place in the field of graphic designing is really a tough challenge to overcome irrespective of the fact that whether the project is for a client, an organization or purely for oneself. These contests respect innovation and uniqueness, originality and genuine efforts and as such the organizers as well as the jury endeavor hard to make the best design win and thereby honor the best designer.
This recognition is highly necessary in order to let the good work continue and make the world aware of the talented designers as well as honor their talent. These design competitions or award ceremonies also serve as a channel to showcase one's creation and prove one's artistic skills.
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