Search Results for "fatigue"

diet food

Healthy Holiday Snacking While in the Car

Snacks make a road trip. There’s nothing better than indulging on the small bite while cruising across the state. Snacks are notorious for being unhealthy. This time of the year, you’ll probably be stuffing yourself any chance you get – it’s the holidays after all. There’s no reason why you […]


Eight Guidelines for Developing Type II Diabetes

Given that many Americans seem to want lifestyle-related diseases, I’d like to offer some helpful hints to those of you interested in developing a healthy dose of diabetes. If you apply the following principles and are lucky enough to be genetically predisposed to this disease, then you may just get what you’ve been […]


Women’s Health Treated Naturally

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been widely used for centuries to treat many different issues related to women’s health. A TCM practitioner looks at the person as a whole, so instead of focusing on each specific symptom, an all encompassing diagnosis is made based on everything that is manifesting in […]


Glutathione – Nature’s Natural Detoxifier

Our bodies produce a very potent antioxidant called glutathione. Glutathione is a complex of three different amino acids that come together in a unique way to support normal cellular detoxification and protect our cells from stressful chemical reactions. Problems can occur when our glutathione production cannot keep up with the […]


Hypothyroidism: The Great Imposter

The human thyroid gland weighs 1.5 ounces and secrets about a teaspoon of thyroid hormone over the course of a year. Yet, the health of the human body is completely dependent on two thyroid hormones, without which the metabolism of every cell in the body would come to a grinding halt. A study of randomly chosen Nebraska Fair goers who underwent blood […]


The Relationship between Massage and Cancer

A massage brings about a relaxed feeling by stroking and rubbing soft body tissues as well as manipulating body muscles. For cancer patients, it has a whole lot of benefits since it helps in coping, enhances life’s quality and minimizes the cancer symptoms. Massage is regarded as a complementary therapy […]


Major Causes and Treatments of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is not only a heavy snoring condition, but rather a medical disorder that causes poor quality sleeping as a result of repeated breathing pauses that cannot be controlled by the victims. A person experiencing sleep apnea will not at any time notice if they stopped breathing durin their […]