Search Results for "lost style"


Energy-saving Tips for Victorian Homeowners

We love period homes for their character, charm and solid features. This is especially true during summer when sunshine floods through sash windows, and the wooden floorboards are warm underfoot. During the winter months, however, many Victorian homeowners fall out of love with these features when the heating bills fall […]


Recommended Ways to Keep Your Diet on Track

Individuals who have successfully gone through a body transformation have a unique view of health. In the scope of a person’s life, weight loss is one of the most difficult things to accomplish. Emerging science is discovering reasons why sticking to a dietary plan can be so overwhelming. In reality, […]


Pilates – An Introduction

Most people have heard of pilates, but many do not know anything about it other than it is some type of exercise. Pilates is so much more than that, it is about health and wellness as well as a great exercise routine for anyone looking to get fit. For those […]


5 Reasons You Should Quit Smoking Now

You already know you should’ve quit a long time ago. While quitting smoking cannot happen overnight, you can definitely start with baby steps towards a cleaner life. However, this is easier said than done. Quitters should talk to a doctor first and take medicines to curb the addiction. Some smokers […]