Search Results for "carbohydrate eating"


Low Stamina: Reasons and Causes

Stamina is considered to be a combination of both speed and endurance that defines the ability to perform at highly extended periods of time. In order to develop a high stamina, it requires good physical and mental health, along with proper physical training and environments. Many with low sexual stamina […]

Travel and living

5 Effective Ways To De-stress

Stress is one of the constant themes in our society. Relieve stress by being active, doing something enjoyable or distracting your mind. In the past, professionals advised people to de-stress by consuming a medication or anxiety reliever. More and more, people are realizing that medication is just a short-term fix. […]


The A-Z Guide to Gynecomastia

What is Gynecomastia? Gynecomastia is known as enlargement of a man’s chest such that it resembles a woman’s breast. This is basically caused by an endocrinal hormonal imbalance. The imbalance is of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. This disorder is common among pubescent males and in some cases it affects newborn […]


Healthy Food that You Should Eat Everyday

With all the pollution and infections infiltrating into our everyday lives, it has become quite impossible to keepsickness at bay. In the never-ending struggle between our bodies and viruses, we get singled out as the weak ones, suffering the terrible outcomes every single day. Therefore, it has become extremely important […]


5 Foods that Must be Avoided by a Diabetic Patient

With diabetes, food choice matters a lot. Watching what one eats becomes like death and duties-unavoidable in order to stay healthy. Being diabetic doesn't mean that special foods and complicated diets are necessary. With natural home remedies diabetes treatment and control is possible. It's making healthy food choices and keeping […]


Different Ways to Lose Weight

There are lots of ways to lose weight. Today you will actually be surprised to know that there over a hundred ways to effectively shed off fats and be perfectly fit in no time. But there is one common denoinator among all these ways to lose weight and that is […]


Live Longer Using a Water Ionizer

THE ACID ALKALINE BALANCE-A MATTER OF LIFE AND DEATH There are 2 numbers related to your body that are vital: 1. Your body temperature must be maintained at 98.6 °F or 37 °C. This is why when it is hot outside, often times we will shiver or conversely when it's […]