Search Results for "Cholesterol levels"


4 Risk Factors of Heart Diseases in Women

The increasing incidence of heart diseases in women during the past decade indicate that about 12 to 15 percent of women are at higher risk. According to the Head of Department of Preventive Cardiology and Rehabilitaiton at Asian Heart Institute, factors such as stress, smoking and lack of physical activity […]


5 Amazing Benefits of Green Tea.

Gone are the days when people used to consume beverages for their taste and ability to quench their thirst. In the recent past there has been introduction of healthier way of quenching your thirst. Green tea has been introduced containing additives that have been over the years been used to improve the […]


5 Healthy Tips that Leads to a Longer Life.

It is always said that, we are a reflection of what we consume. The types of foods that you eat significantly contribute to your overall wellbeing and additionally lifespan. As much as there is an idea that there is a specific age that not very many men go past it. Notwithstanding, if […]


Consequences Junk Food Leaves on Your Body

Today's food market abounds with variety of fast food options, which are exclusively based on artificial ingredients, inorganic and processed components, what puts food's quality and nutritive values on a very low level. Even though most people are aware that this kind of food should present minimal part of healthy […]


What Are the Health Benefits of CoQ10

Every day people suffer from diseases whose actual reasons elude the plain sight. What remain visible, in most cases, are the deficit in energy levels, fatigue, depression, and the likes. In such inexplicably agonizing situation, what we fail to comprehend sometimes, is that the reason for many such diseases can […]


Tips to Lose Weight Fast

Most of us with the problem of obesity are looking to lose weight fast. We resort to despearte measures such as crash dieting and intensive exercise and do our bodies more harm than good. The result of near starvation diets is yo yo dieting where you gain even more weight […]