Search Results for "Cholesterol levels"


17 Daily Yoga Benefits for a Healthier You

Doing yoga everyday seems to be a challenge at first. But as you struggle to do it everyday, it can become a habit you cannot do without. Even if you do the same poses and sequence, your body will react differently everyday. There will be days yoga will be a […]


5 a Side Football Leagues in London

Football is a part of many people’s lives, and today it is a multinational sport played by people of all races and religions. Go anywhere in the world, and the chances are you will move past somebody, somewhere, playing football. Over here in England, we are fortunate to have […]


10 Oatmeal Face Masks For Acne And Scars

One of the outstanding benefits of oats is reducing cholesterol level in your body. Besides its health benefits, oats contain a ton of beauty benefits. For instance, oatmeal aids in removing itching and acne due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Acne is mainly caused by inflammation, according to experts. […]


Why to Eat Octopus Food?

People from all over the world have been known to eat the mollusk known as octopus, not to be confused with calamari, which is a squid. Residents of Spain, Japan, Korea, the Mediterranean and the United States have been enjoying it for many years. It is considered a delicacy in some […]


5 Organs in Your Body That Benefit from Regular Exercise

Working out regularly offers a variety of benefits in different areas of life. People who work out regularly have greatly reduced chances of becoming ill. Additionally, they feel more energized, focused, vigilant and ready for everyday activities that we all experience. Many people don’t understand the underlying reasons why working […]