Search Results for "scientific"


What Is A Speed Limit Database Used For?

Did you know more than 1.35 million people across the globe lose their lives in car accidents each year! Fifty million more are admitted to hospitals owing to non-fatal injuries on the road. These are only the officially reported ones. The actual number of accidents that take place is likely […]


Top 10 Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

A healthy diet improves both the way we are and our well-being. For a balanced diet, include in your routine the consumption of a variety of colored fruits and vegetables, whole grains, good fats, and low protein. The main benefits of a healthy diet: Keep your weight under control Not […]


Which Has a Better Future Scope, Data Science or AWS?

As career opportunities are rising today there are several job opportunities within the market. Earlier, when the scopes are limited people only use to indulge themselves with a career opening like an engineer, doctor, and other mainstream pathways, but today, because the companies are benchmarking their achievements the concentration towards […]


Quality translation services from The HQ-translate

Different countries interact with each other quite actively nowadays. Some states are ready to import medicines, equipment, clothing, food, etc. You need to understand the essence of the description to correctly understand the composition, technical characteristics, methods of use. Ordinary translators can give you only a superficial translation. If there […]


Benefits of Hiring a Knoxville DUI Lawyer

Did you know Knox County had the third-highest number of drunk driving incidents over the past decade, with nearly 5,100 cases between 2006 and 2016? A few years ago, a nationwide DUI study revealed that Knoxville ranked among the top ten cities with DUIs accidents. The fact that it is […]

Green tech

Why Clean Energy is Important

It seems like every day the planet gets a little bit warmer and the sky gets a little less clear. This isn’t just something that happens naturally, but it is the result of a world trying to grow more and more advanced without keeping the environment in mind. Burning fuels […]


Pharmacological Treatment of Alcohol Dependence

Advances in the neurobiology of alcohol dependence have enabled the introduction of new drugs in the treatment of alcoholism. The pharmacological treatment of alcoholism is reviewed. Drugs that decrease the desire to drink have become a first-line alternative. The review of the studies carried out with acamprosate or with naltrexone […]


Get to know Dongguan as a reputable 18650 lithium-ion battery producer

Dongguan Large Electronic Co., Ltd. was established in 2002 and is headquartered in Gaosheng Science & Technology Park, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China. The company’s technology center includes professional technical categories such as industrial design, electronics, power, software, structure, technology, measurement and control, electrochemistry, opto-electromechanical, signal processing, and […]