Search Results for "pregnant women"


Reasons to Wear Compression Garments

Most people think of compression garments as something you wear to treat a medical condition like venous insufficiency or varicose veins. Or, they are something that overweight people, or pregnant women, wear to prevent the excess weight from damaging their veins. In short, they believe that the only people who […]


What to Eat to Treat Lumbago Naturally

Have you ever felt that pain in the lower back? If you have experienced this, you may be having Lumbago or backache. This is a condition where there is a feeling of discomfort of pain that is felt in the lower back. People of different ages, especially those pregnant women, […]


Best Workouts for a Fit and Fabulous Pregnancy

It was once believed the only exercise acceptable for expecting women was gentle walking, which is wonderful exercise, but certainly not the only activity safe for pregnant women. There are actually many different forms of prenatal exercise that are extremely beneficial when done in moderation. The main difference between pregnancy […]


Could Swine Flu be Coming Back in 2014?

With winter comes the onset of typical influenza symptoms. However, while last winter California attributed only 9 deaths to the flu, this winter already 95 deaths have been ascribed to the H1N1 virus of 2009. Experts aren’t entirely sure why this year’s strain of flu is significantly more deadly than […]


Pros and Cons of Giving Birth at Home vs Hospital Birth

An increasing number of women are choosing to give birth at home, with or without the assistance of trained medical personnel. Women considering their options should make sure they thoroughly research the benefits and negatives associated with both home birth and hospital birth. Understanding Homebirth As comedian Jim Gaffigan so […]


Signs and Symptoms that You’re Carrying Twins

Most parents, when they see twins say, for example, “I’ve always wanted twins.” Whenever they see someone with twins they ask, “Where they born naturally?” “Are they identical?“, “How did you get them? ” Curiosity and a hidden desire for twins is present in most people. This immediately leads to […]


Is Coffee a Friend or a Foe?

Coffee has had its presence in our lives since many years now. Despite the fact that we love to have it every now and then, it remains mired in mystery regarding it being a boon or a bane for our health. While many coffee chains and brands have left no […]


6 Topics You Should Discuss with Your Doctor

Do you have a good relationship with your doctor? If you’re like 33% of millennials, you might not even have a designated “family doctor.” Indeed, more and more people are forgoing regular tips to the doctor’s office. This is a bad idea for a huge variety of reasons. Plain and […]


IVF Donor Pregnancies, Ethics, and Age

You are only as healthy as what you know about health, and here is a little information to add to your health database. The chances of being pregnant in your 40s are extremely low. Women have only a 5% of getting pregnant between the ages of 40 and 44, and […]