
10 Warning Signs of Omega 3 Fatty Acids Deficiency – How to Fix It?

Your body is constantly changing, with every year that goes by there are more and more things that should be adjusted for the best quality of life. If you ignore these changes, it’s very easy to let things slip by that can make the future less than desired.

The importance of knowing what your body needs and what it doesn’t is key to making sure that you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals in your day-to-day. Whether that be through supplements or altering your diet and exercise, it all comes into account as older age approaches.

What Is Omega 3?

Omega 3 fatty acids are the one kind of fat you don’t want to cut from your diet, even if you’re trying to achieve a quick weight loss. These fats can be classified as a DHA or an EPA, they both are usually found in fish and seafood. They can also be found in nuts and seeds as well.

Omega 3 is a must if you want your body to be healthy and function correctly without major roadblocks in your health. These fats also give you some major health benefits as well.

They can often lower your risk of heart disease, especially for individuals who have heart disease risks genetically in their family history. They can help your body find the natural balance for you to be happy and healthy.

Omega 3 fatty acids can also help reduce the risk of intense joint pain and swelling, usually cutting back more than half on the risk of the inflammation that can cause soreness in those who are of an older age. It is always the best possible way to go with some popular and most effective joint health supplements.

Omega 3 is an excellent mood booster as well. If you struggle with depression, some studies have found that if you have an increase of Omega 3, your mood will stabilize and will rid itself of some of the nonsensical depression you’ve been experiencing.

There are many other benefits of including this element in your diet, from baby development to asthma, it can affect almost everything in your life in a very positive way. Throughout this list, you’ll be able to tell from now on whether or not you’re lacking in omega 3’s in your current lifestyle and diet. Let’s get started!

1. High Blood Pressure

Many studies have led us to believe that those who struggle with keeping their blood pressure balanced may be experiencing an omega 3 fatty acid deficiency. Especially if high blood pressure is a problem in your family, you’re most likely more prone to experiencing this in your own life as well.

Clinical studies have proven that those who experience low blood pressure have been taking grams of fish oil daily. This could lead to having fewer issues with blood pressure, especially those who have hypertension as well.

It’s very important to remember that you should not be taking this much fish oil and omega 3 without the supervision and approval of your doctor. Speak with someone you trust at your local doctor’s office and educate yourself on whether or not your high blood pressure could be affected in a negative way because of a lack of omega 3 fatty acids.

2. Cholesterol

It’s been shown that individuals who have a more natural and seafood-based diet will usually have higher ‘good’ cholesterol. This will often lead to a long and healthy life with a healthy heart as well.

By adding in more natural ways your body can accept omega 3, you’ll be aiding your health quite a bit, most of all by lowering ‘bad’ cholesterol. Because omega 3 has been shown to decrease triglycerides, which is the fat in your blood, this will lead to a heart-healthy cholesterol level.

Like we mentioned before, take the time to talk to a physician on the matter so you know exactly what steps you should be taking forward. Don’t guess what is important to your health, talk to someone who knows.

3. Heart Diseases

If you have trouble with heart disease in your family, speak to a physician as soon as possible, because including omega 3 into your diet will be able to prevent major changes that could negatively affect your current lifestyle.

Studies have shown that when your body has a healthy amount of omega 3, you’ll be less likely to have a stroke and you’ll be able to benefit further from your heart being healthy.

If your family has a history of stroke or heart disease, you should be changing your lifestyle and diet as soon as possible to prevent these issues in the future. No time is too soon to change your health. Speak to your doctor as soon as you can to see how omega 3 can change your health path into the future.

4. Increased Risk Of Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a risk when your body is lacking omega 3 fatty acids. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition and disease that will cause awful inflammation in your joints, making it very hard to control your hands in most cases, while also making them shake constantly.

If you start taking fish oil and other options of adding omega 3 into your diet, you’ll have a chance of reducing your daily dose of chemical infused medicine that you need to take. Those anti-inflammatory drugs, while they might help the RA, it’s common to include a whole world of new side effects.

Once you start adding omega 3 into your diet there is a good chance that your doctor will be able to reduce the need for the nonsteroid drugs. This might also give you more control over your joints and avoid the conventional types of therapies.

5. Diabetes

Diabetes warnings might be a sign that you’re missing omega 3 from your diet. If you’ve been told that you’re at risk for diabetes or PCOS, you need to change your diet as naturally as possible and soon.

Below we’ll be discussing the various ways to incorporate omega 3 into your diet naturally, but for the meantime, it’s necessary to understand that natural fish and fish oil capsules can possibly help reduce the risk of those who struggle with diabetes.

Depending on the type of diabetes you have if you already have been diagnosed with the disease, it’s important that you talk to your doctor before adding any supplements or diet changes into your life, because Omega 3 can be harmful in some cases if you aren’t cautious.

6. Bipolar Disorder

There was a clinical study conducted a few years back that suggested that people with bipolar disorder who added a fish oil capsule into their diet in addition to their normal prescription routine experienced much fewer mood swings and stress after around just 4 months.

But it can sometimes come down to the individual. In some cases, it will not lower the effects of a mood swing, so it depends on the spectrum you fall on.

Many with bipolar disorders had said that their mood swings were few and they’ve been misdiagnosed with the disorder when in reality it was because they were lacking the proper supplements in their day-to-day diet.


It’s been proven that those who naturally have lower levels of essential fatty acids in their genetics and based on their lifestyle have been known to have some form of ADHD at a very early age. This can usually be balanced out by adding a natural omega 3 capsule into your diet.

If you have omega 3 fatty acids deficiency, it’s very common to experience symptoms many with ADHD experience. Such as tantrums, mood swings, and lack of sleep.

While there have been some mixed results to the changes done by introducing because of the addition of omega 3 fatty acids into your diet, it has shown some promise, but once again this is something that is very individual-based.

While some solutions will work for some people, in many other cases, it common to see it affect no change in individuals. People’s health is an element of their life that’s so unique to them, it sometimes comes down to trial and error for solutions.

8. Breast Cancer

Another study that has proven to give mixed results has been the issue surrounding breast cancer. But if you’ve been personally experiencing issues surrounding breast tissue and also have a family history of breast cancer, it might be worth it to mention it to your doctor.

Mention that you’ve heard that the addition of omega 3 fatty acids has shown to be somewhat successful in finding a balance and also preventing some cases of breast cancer.

Although your doctor may not recommend adding this supplement to your diet, it’s very important that you opt in to at least trying this preventative step. While it’s not guaranteed, why not? It won’t do any harm in this case, and it’s better to be safe than to be sorry.

9. Depression

Like we mentioned before with bipolar disorders and how omega 3 can affect it, especially if you’re experiencing a health decline due to a deficiency. Omega 3 can have a positive effect on those who experience depression as well. You can also treat depression with the help of some best antidepressants.

In general omega 3 fatty acids have been known to help improve moods in many cases.

It’s very important that you do not try to treat depression on your own though, depression is very serious and should never be taken on alone. Consult your therapist or doctor for how you should proceed forward in your life and whether or not an Omega 3 supplement will be able to help in any way.

In some studies, they’ve found that the addition of omega 3 fatty acids have even decreased the need for antidepressants. As always, health issues like this change from person to person, everything is on a spectrum, which is why you should always take things slow and avoid rushing into adding something new into your health routine.

10. Colon Cancer

If you have a family history of colon cancer as well as a deficiency of omega 3, take it as a warning sign. As soon as possible, you should reach out for advice from a doctor on whether or not you should be adding this important supplement into your diet.

You can prevent many things by adding omega 3 into your diet and lifestyle, but when it comes to very serious cancers such as colon cancer, you should make sure you have the approval of a doctor before moving forward in any way.

By eating foods that are rich in omega 3 you’ll reduce your risk of colon cancer by half. Of course a simple supplement can’t stop everything from happening to us, but it can make a huge difference in many cases.

Omega 3 will generally help to prevent and decline colon cancer even if you already have it. As long as you spot the issue and take action before the early stages of the disease get worse, you have a chance to reverse the issue completely under the supervision of your primary care doctor.

How To Get More Omega 3 Fatty Acids In Your Diet

Whether you’re looking for quick weight loss or simply a lifestyle change, there are many ways you can naturally incorporate omega 3 fatty acids into your diet, and they will all help you maintain a healthy lifestyle in the process.

There are quite a few options you can take, you can opt in to take a supplement, or you can choose to go the more natural route and only introduce different fish and seafood into your diet. It’s really up to you, but in most cases, it’s very common to introduce a mixture of both into your lifestyle to keep the routine from getting stale.

1. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Rich Foods

Like we mentioned, there are many options to choose from if you want to alter your diet and change the way you eat instead of just adding a supplement.

But there are a few things to remember before you decide to eat fish every single day of the week. A great option to choose is a mix of supplements and natural foods if that’s what your doctor agrees with.

This primarily has to do with the fact that many Omega 3 rich fatty acids in fish will also lead to higher intakes of mercury and other natural toxins that can weaken your body. Especially in children and women who are pregnant. If you have a sensitive system, we suggest that you don’t go the natural route and stick to the capsules if possible.

Now you need to decide to stick to other sources of Omega 3 that aren’t fish, we’ve also included them below. If you’re trying to achieve quick weight loss, this might not be the ideal route to take, since many of these natural oils are very high in fats and calories.

Omega 3 Rich Fish:

  • Bluefish
  • Mackerel
  • Sardines
  • Tuna
  • Lake Trout
  • Sturgeon
  • Anchovies
  • Herring
  • Salmon

Other sources of Omega 3:

  • Walnuts
  • Canola Oil
  • Soybean Oil
  • Flaxseed
  • Flaxseed Oil

2. Supplements Or Not

Finding what uniquely works for you and your body is key, this is usually done with the help of your doctor. As soon as you do find the direction you want to take, it will most likely include supplements at some point or another. This is why we’re going to be walking you through the benefits and negatives of only using supplements. This way you can make an informed choice for yourself and your health.

For those who don’t want to eat fish or can’t because they’re younger or pregnant, a supplement could be the right choice for you and your lifestyle.

Fish oil has been on the market for many many years. It’s been a very reliable source for health.

There may be specific recommendations and warnings you may need to listen to from your doctor when you ask them about the direction you should take, because Omega 3 could also interfere with other medications you’re currently taking.

Many individuals who deal with heart related diseases are usually recommended to take up to 1 gram of fish oil a day. Individuals who deal with other health conditions often are recommended to take up to 4 grams a day, but only when the doctor recommends it.

Note:In no other circumstances you should take a supplement without the approval of your doctor.

The Side Effects Of Fish Oil

Omega 3 fatty acids don’t usually cause a ton of various side effects, but there is a handful that you should be aware of before something else is added to your dietary lifestyle.

The side effects of fish oil generally include:

  • Increase in bleeding conditions.
  • An intense fishy taste in your mouth.
  • Fishy breath that sometimes takes quite a while to get rid of.
  • Your stomach can easily become upset.
  • Having loose stools and pain when going to the bathroom.
  • Increased risk of nausea, especially if you’re normally someone to have nausea issues.

Omega 3 fatty acids have been a staple in many individuals lives. It’s been important for many people and because of how easy it is to acquire at your local drug store, and the fact that you can purchase supplements over the counter, means many people have neglected this supplement because it can actually have quite a powerful effect on your health.

The American Heart Association has said year after year that everyone should eat fish, at most around 2 times a week. These foods are the best way to introduce this element into your diet, even over supplements, but it’s up to you to choose how you want to upgrade your health.


Overall, Omega 3 has many benefits that can help you overcome many different health issues you may face in your life. If you’re deficient in omega 3 fatty acids your life could change overnight.

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