Search Results for "negotiations"


Benefits of Hiring a Knoxville DUI Lawyer

Did you know Knox County had the third-highest number of drunk driving incidents over the past decade, with nearly 5,100 cases between 2006 and 2016? A few years ago, a nationwide DUI study revealed that Knoxville ranked among the top ten cities with DUIs accidents. The fact that it is […]


5 Questions to Ask from Knoxville Divorce Attorneys

Ending your marriage in Tennessee can result in either a divorce trial or a settlement. Since you need to initiate divorce proceedings in both cases, it is advisable to use the expertise of Knoxville divorce attorneys. Even when the split is amicable, you have to deal with tremendous emotional distress […]


What Is Blogger Outreach?

Blogger outreach is also known as blogger relations. It refers to when a business entity secures the services of bloggers to create promotional content aimed at sparking the interest of their target audience about their products and services. Businesses often negotiate payment with bloggers for the service. Yes, it’s a […]

Wreck Lawyers

Should You Hire a Traffic Accident Lawyer?

You have been involved in a road accident and are looking for a lawyer. It can actually be useful to enlist the services of a lawyer to defend yourself. However, this must correspond to a real need. This lawyer must also be specialized in road or traffic accidents and more […]

Social media

Strategies to make money on Facebook

Everyone uses Facebook. Okay, a slight exaggeration. But two billion users worldwide, including more than 200 million in the United States, are very, very common. This is a revolution in news, culture, social interaction and more. But it’s not just a way for you to get in touch with old average friends, share […]


Factors that Influence Business Negotiation

Negotiation is a skill that many believe is hard to acquire. It has been underappreciated for quite some time, until recently where its importance has been brought to the forefront of many businesses. We undergo negotiations in all aspects of life: the services we use, things we purchase, even what […]


Top Mistakes in Selling a Car

Car owners are sooner or later faced with the need to sell their cars and buy a new one. Regardless of the reason for the sale, no one wants to lose the money invested. And it doesn’t matter if you are changing it in the dealership for a new model, […]