
Should You Hire a Traffic Accident Lawyer?

You have been involved in a road accident and are looking for a lawyer. It can actually be useful to enlist the services of a lawyer to defend yourself. However, this must correspond to a real need. This lawyer must also be specialized in road or traffic accidents and more particularly in the field of compensation for bodily injury. There are law firms that have solid experience in this type of case. It is preferable that the firm is used to handling many files to be sure that it can act in the best interests of yours.

Is it always useful to enlist the services of a lawyer specializing in road accidents?

The answer is no: in simple cases, it will not necessarily bring you added value. It is certain that when the damage suffered by the victim following the road accident is significant the question does not arise. It is necessary to enlist the services of a traffic accident lawyer to be certain of being compensated in the best of your interests.

Is a traffic accident lawyer enough?

The answer is no: from the moment you decide to hire a lawyer, you should at least also hire a medical expert from victims. The lawyer is not a doctor and will not be able to defend you in this position alone. The presence of the attorney’s expertise is rarely useful. It is better to have an expert doctor who usually works with this lawyer to do good teamwork. In even more complex cases, you will also need to add an occupational therapist, a compensation expert, an architect, etc. There are indeed several professions that can be useful and effective in defending your interests.

My insurer offers me the lawyer for my legal protection. Is it a good idea?

The answer is no. The lawyer is not a victim’s lawyer and his real client is the insurer. Even if they are honest, they will not have the good reflexes of lawyers who do not work for insurers. It is important to hire a car accident lawyer who is completely independent of insurance or mutuals.

Victims of a road accident have a choice between two solutions:

  • Leave their compensation in the hands of their insurer who will deal with the insurer of the responsible driver. This solution has the advantage of simplicity and is free of charge. But if the victim is seriously injured, the compensation negotiated between insurers may go against his/her interest. Both parties can have the same insurer or insurers belonging to the same group. In addition, the various insurance companies agree among themselves on the lowest compensation because they are in turn the insurer of the person responsible and the victim’s insurer. So much reason not to leave the compensation in their hands
  • Entrust their files to a lawyer specializing in road accidents who will conduct negotiations or take legal action. This solution has a cost since it is necessary to pay for the work of the lawyer. But it is true that the compensation in the event of a road accident carried out by a lawyer is 20% to 30% higher than that negotiated between insurers. Provided, however, that he/she is a lawyer specializing in road accidents and truly independent of insurance companies.

Why a lawyer specialized in car accidents?

As soon as the accident is serious, the specialization of the lawyer is a necessity. You do not entrust a tumor or paralysis to your general practitioner. We also know that the more a team of doctors performs the same procedure, the more effective it is. In the same way, a lawyer specialized in road accidents is a guarantee of competence. A lawyer for fatal accidents is also a guarantee of independence.

Do you need a lawyer who specializes in car accidents?

If you are unsure whether to leave your compensation in the care of your insurer and to hire a lawyer who specializes in road accidents, answer the following questions:

  • Are you still hospitalized or in rehabilitation one month after the accident?
  • Does the accident have significant consequences for your economic situation or that of your family?
  • Does your insurer mention a sharing of responsibility or a limitation of your compensation?
  • Are you going to have trouble getting back to work?
  • Have you suffered severe head trauma?
  • Is the victim a child?

If you answer “yes” to at least one of these questions, it is probably best to consult a specialized law firm.

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