Car owners are sooner or later faced with the need to sell their cars and buy a new one. Regardless of the reason for the sale, no one wants to lose the money invested. And it doesn’t matter if you are changing it in the dealership for a new model, or selling the car privately, there are many mistakes that may increase your expenses. Other mistakes may carry a physical hazard to you personally.
You Don’t Know the Value of Your Car
You should know the value of the car. If you do not know it, you can lose a tidy sum during the sale. Fortunately, there are sites that can help you. You can also find out the resale value of your car by evaluating it from several websites or private dealers who are engaged in individual sales.
You Repair Your Car to Increase the Value of It
Do not do serious repairs to your car before selling it. Of course, you will get more money for the car with a recently repaired transmission than for the same car with obvious problems. But in most cases, you will not get the money spent on big repairs. The same can be said about body repair.
If your car really needs repairs, you should make a written estimate of the cost of the work. This can help in negotiations if the potential buyer refers to the problem as the reason for the overestimated cost of the car. If you’re selling the car to a private person, talk about the problems in the ad of the sale. Many people are ready to buy cars with significant shortcomings if the price is right.
You Lie About Other Offers
To lie that other dealers want to pay more for your car in order to increase the current offer is futile. It may harm your attempts to sell the car. Some wholesalers see the owner’s lie as a basis for using questionable tactics in return.
You Agree with the First Proposal
While most dealers tend to offer almost the same price for your used car, there may be some offers that stand out for either being too low or too high. Inspection of the proposals will help you establish a reasonable price for your car and allow you to conduct an exceptionally good deal.
You Do Not Wash the Car Before Selling
Wash your car before selling it. The condition and appearance of the car really matter. Wash and, if possible, rub with wax, vacuum the interior, and wash the windows. In connection with the untidy appearance, buyers can ask a lot of clarifying questions about the car and they may have doubts.
You Don’t Read the Contract
It is impossible to overestimate the importance of reading and understanding the entire contract of sale and the writing in small print on the reverse side. If you don’t understand something, you need a copy of the contract, then ask someone you trust to familiarize yourself with it. Do this before signing. Do not accept the explanations provided by the buyer.
In addition, you should understand that the signature of the buyer from the dealership does not mean a guarantee of the transaction. In some offices, the transaction is completed only after the contract is signed by the head or director of the company. In the contract, it should also be spelled out. Finally, be sure to take with you a copy of the signed contract, even if the transaction does not take place later.
You Forgot About the Tax Advantages of Selling a Car with the Help of a Dealer
In the overwhelming majority of situations, you pay tax on the difference in price between the new car and the value of your old one during the trade-in transaction. However, if you sell your old car to a private person, then you will pay tax on the full cost of the new car, so you need to sell your car for more. If you are not sure that you can do it – buy a new car through the salon.
You Use Bad Pictures of Your Car
Don’t forget that smartphones can take pictures of good quality. Therefore, there is no excuse to use bad images in advertisements for the sale of your car. Place as many images as possible, including all angles, multiple images of the interior and pictures taken under the hood and in the cargo hold. Professional photographers note that a cloudy day or a shaded place provides more uniform illumination, especially for interior shots. Finally, do not forget about the background on which the car is located.
You Don’t Check Potential Buyers
You want to know more information about a potential buyer, before agreeing to meet with him. Do this in a telephone conversation, but not through messages. This will give you an idea of what this customer really is. Find out who he is and how you can contact him. Then ask how this potential buyer intends to pay for the car? Will this transaction take place in cash? Serious buyers will be able to answer these questions. Finally, before you agree to meet with this person, look for information about him on the Internet.
You Are Not Prepared to Inspect the Car with a Mechanic
A potential buyer may want a mechanic to check your car before purchasing. This is a sensible move. However, make sure that this inspection will be performed at a licensed workshop at the buyer’s expense. Plan to deliver the car to the service at the appointed time and be prepared to wait for the mechanic to complete the inspection. If you can, get a copy of the inspection report. You can show it to other potential buyers if this person does not want to purchase the car.
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