Search Results for "bouquet"

Cherry blossom flower

The Most Beautiful Garden Flowers

Flowers are amongst the most beautiful things and a great source of positive energy that nature has ever produced. Whether it is love or friendship, happiness or sadness, celebration or grief, life or death flowers are considered to be the best way to express our emotions and feelings. Nature has blessed […]

Mobile devices

Top 5 Free iPhone Apps for Busy Men

When life gets stressful, we do tend to have difficulties to multitask - tense working hours, girlfriend moaning about how much less time we spend together, and friends calling you a whipped boyfriend, because you never come out for a drink. But don't let yourself drag down and accept this […]


How to Be Good Guests (With Kids!)

As many traveling parents know, one of the easiest ways to save money on travel is to cut the costs of room and board. With hotel rooms running at $150 or more per night, and family meals for three or four people equaling nearly that much, many single parents seek […]


A Guide for Reducing Your Wedding Costs

Wedding is an event that everybody wants to celebrate in the best possible manner. When people try to make it as exciting as possible, they tend to ignore the cost. It is quite natural that such a special occasion involving food, beverages, venues, flowers and many more wouldn’t come cheap. […]


What Season is Best to Tie the Knot?

Every season is unique and each will always be a wonderful time of the year for different celebrations. If you are planning to get married, choosing the date or the season would be your first important task. When it comes to weddings, everything simply has to be perfect, from the […]

wedding timeline

Creating your Wedding Timeline

The stage is set, all your decorations and center pieces have been picked out and designed. More importantly, you have found that perfect dress. Now it is time to work out what will happen at your Wedding Reception, in other words create the timeline for a magical night. To help […]