Search Results for "drivers"


What Not To Do when Parking Your Car

We have all seen those types of people that park carelessly, earning them the label, “a bad parker.” Maybe they park poorly on purpose to make a statement. Maybe they do not remember learning in Drivers Ed that you can’t park in front of a driveway, intersection, or on a […]


The Highest Demanded Jobs In The U.S.

Despite unemployment rates remaining steady at around 7.5 percent as of April 2013, there are still industries that maintain a high demand of available jobs. If you hold certain skills, experience, and a level of education, you could find yourself coming into your dream job at just the right time. […]


Careers in Transportation that Don't Require a CDL

Not every career in the transportation industry requires a CDL (Commercial Driver's License). For those who don't want to or cannot drive the big rigs, there may still be a place for you in the transportation industry. While all jobs in transportation require an understanding of how the industry works, it is […]


Play Golf and Feel the Health Benefits

There are a great many sports and activities which can promote good health and a powerful feeling of self-worth, but they may not suit everybody. While the young and generally fit individuals can take to the gym on a regular basis, and perhaps play a little tennis, soccer or rugby […]


Types of Car Insurance

When it comes to insuring your car, there are plenty of different types of policy available to suit your circumstances. It's worth taking the time to understand each kind of insurance policy that's on offer to ensure that you don't end up paying more than you really need to. Third […]


Some Ideas for a Greener Driving

In the UK, vehicles account for 21% of all Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions. There are more than 25 million cars on the road, and each car requires oil and fuel. If every driver made some small improvements to the efficiency of their cars, then the overall effect would be a huge […]


The Blue Screen of Death-BSOD in Windows 8

Although not seen too frequently in Windows 8, the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is still a common issue for the users of his version of Windows OS. When the BSOD appears, there’s a clear sign that Windows has undoubtedly “died”. The good thing is BSOD provides the users with […]


Protecting Yourself After a Car Accident

While dramatic scenes of people being cut out of cars and rushed to hospital are popular with the media (and do occasionally happen in real life), the reality is that the majority of car accidents are far more mundane. Driver A bumps in to driver B and there is little to […]


The Safest Cars On The Road

Everyone, especially those with kids, gives some consideration to safety and crash test ratings when buying a new or used car. While only the most paranoid and/or crash prone among us will base our entire car-buying decision off a car's crash-worthiness, it merits some consideration. Your car's crash test ratings affect […]