Search Results for "android"

Mobile devices

Voice, Commands and Chat in Mobile Apps

The focus on developing voice commands and technology for mobile devices is reshaping the user experience. Years ago Siri broke onto the mobile scene with the iPhone. This first major development in voice technology revolutionized smartphones for the average person. Now voice chat apps, "Ok Google" commands, wearable smart devices […]


Tech Innovations in 2014-What to Expect?

People's interest in newly developed smart and mobile technology, and their willingness to pay top dollar for the latest and greatest laptops, smartphones, and a whole host of other gadgets of never before seen performance and design are the main drive behind the ever changing smart technology and devices. Quick […]

Web reviews

Advantages of Using The Fivesquids Service

Fivesquids is a community where students looking to showcase their skills or freelancers and moms working from home in all creative areas or fields can join to boost their earnings. Designed as a micro-jobbing site and online community, Fivesquids allows its members to have fun and share whatever they are […]


Top Employers for Engineers in 2014

With the dawn of 2014, there is new hope for those who are seeking employment opportunities, especially in the engineering sector. If you have been dreaming of getting handsome pay packages and unmatched perks, then try seeking an engineering job at one of the best companies in this industry. The […]


Iro-The Smart Home Sprinkler System Controller

Iro is a smart irrigation controller that is powered by Rachios intelligent cloud-based software and is controlled through a web-based dashboard and an intuitive Android or iPhone app. Iro can maintain your watering schedule for you when you simply don’t have the time. It will automatically adjust for changes in […]


An Introduction to the Windows 8 Store

The increasing use of tablet computers and smartphones has coincided with the rise of digital downloading apps. It's a change in modern computing which is here to stay. Google Android and Apple iOS have found success in catering to this audience. Microsoft has been left lagging behind, though. With the […]


Staying Tech-savvy on a Budget

An investment in technology is necessary for almost any business. Fortunately, the right investments will help save you money and run more efficiently. There is free software that can let you do almost anything you need to do, and refurbished equipment can let you use the latest hardware at a […]


Best Video Conferencing Software

Unless you've lived under the rock for the past decade, you'd know that nothing comes cheap anymore. Business trips and long distance calls are far too time-consuming and expensive: nobody has the time to sit in ten-hour flights just for a three-hour meeting. It's not only costly and exhausting, it's […]


How Technology is Helping to Drive More Safely?

Road Safety Week takes place between November 18th and the 24th, with thousands of organisations, schools and businesses taking part in initiatives and awareness events in a bid to educate people about road safety issues. It’s a valuable event which can make a real difference to people’s lives by making […]