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Great Gift Ideas for College Guys

Shopping for college guys can always be a bit of a chore – especially when all they seem to do is grunt at you. Stuck for gift ideas? You won’t be for long. From funny tees to Swiss Army knives, here are some great gift ideas for college-age guys. iPod […]

Elder care

Home Care vs. Assisted Living

As the American population ages, the number of elder care options has expanded to provide more choices for seniors. They can choose to stay in their own homes, with a range of services provided by caregivers. However, other seniors can benefit from assisted living facilities that have a number of […]

Travel and living

Southern Africa Highlight: Mozambique

[youtube] Africa can be a little more of a challenge to backpack than Europe, Asia and the Americas due to the lack of established transport, but that's part of the adventure. While South Africa has a solid tourism infrastructure, it's tropical neighbor, Mozambique is still the new kid on […]

Mr Clean - logo

Who is Mr. Clean-The Story Unfold

Do you know a person, who doesn’t know about Mr. Clean? Probably not. Who won’t remember the bald guy with the white shirt and earring? Since 1958 (the first TV appearance of Mr. Clean) this character became very popular and the most selling cleaning product on the market. It’s not […]

Travel and living

Benefits of Living in Las Vegas

Las Vegas may be known as a city of dreams, glitz, gambling, and parties, but it's actually a great place to live, too. If the city's allure isn't enough to convince you, here are some of the perks of permanently moving to Las Vegas. Temperate climate In Las Vegas, it's […]

velvet chairs

The Velvet Renaissance in Interior Design in 2014

Velvet… Any associations? Personally, I always think about Italian Baroque, about the excessive luxury of the Louvre, about damsels in distress and noble knights (or more likely about their castles and gowns). For centuries, this magnificent fabric has been a symbol of affluence, a trademark of the rich and the […]


What is Wi-Fi for Car

With each passing day, people of the world are getting connected to each other at fast rate. From smartphones, laptops to tablets, they use multiple opportunities to get onto web world. Indeed the use of internet is a fundamental aspect of lives of a large number of people in the […]


How to Thwart Procrastination

Are you a procrastinator? I am, as much as possible, but I’ve learned that procrastination doesn’t do justice to small business ownership. If you want to achieve great success, you have to be proactive. Here are 10 ways to thwart procrastination so you can more quickly and efficiently achieve your […]

Travel and living

The Benefits of a Luxury Ski Holiday

A ski holiday can be an exciting and exhilarating experience, but with luxury ski holidays you will have the added benefit of home comforts and modern facilities. Many ski chalets offer luxurious extras which will enhance the overall experience. Hot tubs After a day on the slopes, you can relax […]

Society & Culture

The Book of Mormon Redefines Broadway

What have we come to expect from Broadway? Adaptations of books. Adaptations of movies. Rehashed plays. Records turned plays. Yep, Broadway is notorious for playing it safe. However, with The Book of Mormon, we now have proof that the tried and true conservative Broadway formula isn't the only path to […]