Search Results for "play music"


A Teen Mom's Relationship with Her Unborn Child

When a woman becomes pregnant, it is usually a time for celebration and planning for the new addition to the family. Many women have been through pregnancy and childbirth before, but what about the teenage girl, who suddenly finds herself pregnant? This can turn a joyful time into an uncertain, […]


An Introduction to the Windows 8 Store

The increasing use of tablet computers and smartphones has coincided with the rise of digital downloading apps. It's a change in modern computing which is here to stay. Google Android and Apple iOS have found success in catering to this audience. Microsoft has been left lagging behind, though. With the […]


Tips for Training on a Rugby Tour

Sports touring can really take it out of you. But with those all-important matches on the horizon, you need to turn up in top condition; not lethargic and out of training. Here are a few tips for staying fit and healthy, when you're stuck on the rugby coach for days […]

Connect With History

Help Your Kids to Connect With History

For many kids, history is something that happened long before they were born, or something that only shows up in the pages of a classroom textbook. If you want to help your kids connect with history, or take a greater interest in this fascinating subject, here are a few ideas […]

Travel and living

Manchester’s Top Christmas Attractions

[youtube] Manchester is one of the most interesting and diverse cities in the UK, offering everything from world renowned sporting clubs to museums, theatres, and architectural marvels such as the Manchester Cathedral. It's around Christmastime however, that the city really comes alive, with a plethora of great events on […]

BoHo chic style bedroom

Decorating a Room in BoHo Chic

BoHo chic has never been more in vogue, so anyone thinking of decorating their room in a Bohemian style will have plenty of options for expressing their taste. While BoHo can work anywhere in the house, it’s particularly popular for living rooms and bedrooms. The first rule of BoHo is […]