Search Results for "favored"


3 Tips to Help You Start Airsofting as a Beginner

If you haven’t heard of airsoft yet, the new(ish) sport that involves authentic-looking replica guns that shoot plastic BBs in an indoor or outdoor military simulation battle, it is the 2018 version of paintball, except with more accurate guns and with extra military simulation mixed in. Players don military garb, […]


Dental Implants vs Dentures

A lot of people tend to suffer from a loss of teeth for some reason or the other as they age. Missing teeth can become a constant cause of embarrassment as you age and you may find yourself ashamed to open your mouth or smile. Your loss of teeth […]


The Future of Hospitality Wifi

The technology landscape of today is swarming with consumers who demand speedy, reliable Wi-Fi. The hospitality spaces have warmed up to this trend to provide consistent and efficient internet access to all the travelers. Gone are the days when hotel Wi-Fi was just a means to connect guests to the […]


Debunking these 5 App Myths for Better Traction

Not every mobile app turns out to be a success and therefore developers need to be wary of rejections and failures. However, there are times when even the best of ideas— related to app creation fall flat on face and competitors who offer similar set of enhancements start getting noticed— […]


Why Should You Let Your Kids Play Video Games?

Most parents emphasize on the outdoor activities of their children and strictly discourage them playing video games. They believe gaming can influence their eyesight and greatly reduce their academic performance. This concept is just a myth, and what brings this myth to reality is excessiveness. Just like the excess of […]


11 Proven Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga originated in ancient India, and these days millions of Westerners of any age and fitness level practice yoga on a regular basis. Even though yoga is a spiritual practice to many people, most Westerners make use of yoga for exercise or to lower stress. There are 3 major techniques […]