Search Results for "favored"

Travel and living

Most Popular Caribbean Travel Destinations

Any mention of the Caribbean instantly paints pictures of fun, sun, and sand - and rightly so! With the many islands that comprise the Caribbean region, your chances of finding that tropical paradise that you’ve envisioned in your mind are fairly high. Whether your idea of a perfect vacation involves days just […]


Negative Bias in Online Reviews

You thought you could do some minor electrical work in your house yourself - several blown circuit breakers and a severely tarnished pride later, you realize you were wrong. You finally concede that it's time to seek professional help. You need an experienced, certified electrician. But how do you go […]

Real estate

Seniors And Real Estate: What To Know

Baby Boomers sure know how to draw attention to themselves, don't they? At every stage of their lives, this generational group has left a distinctive imprint on American society - from the massive swarm of babies that marked their arrival, to their incendiary days of youthful rebellion in the ‘60s, […]


Current Eyeglasses Trends

You've had a really long day and are looking forward to simply chilling out on your couch while mindlessly watching reality TV re-runs. But as you settle into your customary spot, you feel something poking your backside. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about it; your lower body is […]

Best place for hiding valuables at home
Home & family

Best Places to Hide Valuables at Home

Ask anyone who’s been robbed-one of the worst feelings in the world is to come back to a house tipped upside down and find all your most precious possessions stolen. Even with a good security system and 24/7 alarm monitoring, burglars can break into your house and be out within […]