Search Results for "sometimes known"

Debt and credit

Workable Ways to Get Out of Debt

According to American Debt Advisor, around 80% of the population is in debt. If we exclude secured debt, car and home loans, there is still around 50% of the population carrying debt, some of it in the amount of tens of thousands of dollars. And these statistics are mirrored around […]

Society & Culture

History’s Most Famous Couriers

Sometime between six and seven million years ago a species known as Sahelanthropus tchadensis stood and walked on two legs in Western Africa. This monkey-looking animal's first small steps set off an evolutionary chain reaction that led to the birth of Homo sapiens, otherwise recognised as today's Mr & Mrs […]


The Main Reasons Why People Buy

The reasons people buy are numerous, even legion. But most can be boiled down to 8 basic reasons. You may be asking, "why is this important?". Well, knowing who your perfect customer is and why they buy is critical information when writing an ad, script, or brochure. By tapping into […]

Mobile devices

The Most Common IPad Problems

The iPad has been nothing short of a revolutionary success, with new versions regularly sold out within hours of its appearance in any store, and it's not hard to see why. As always, the genius of Apple lies in its ability to please and to satisfy the needs of its […]