Search Results for "precious"


Construction Site Logistics

Logistics at construction sites over the years has become increasingly complicated, not only because of the sheer volume of work to complete and less hours to do it in (well it certainly feels like that's the case), there is only one way in which construction logistics and planning can be […]


Gold [Infographic]

Gold, one of mankind’s oldest adornments, has a rich history. Introduced to a young earth in a vast meteor shower some 2 billion years ago, most of the world’s gold remains buried in the planet’s core. Throughout history, humans have mined only approximately 165,000 metric tons of gold; it is […]


Digital Cameras-How did we get here?

A basic thing to know about cameras is that they take photos. In order to do that, they use lenses to gather and capture light. The first cameras used films to store images, but now, as you are most probably aware, we have technology! With a press of a button, […]

Other stories

Top Mini Electronic Cigarette Brands

Many people want to make the switch to electronic cigarettes, but not all succeed. This mainly happens because they buy low quality personal vaporizers which do more harm than good. There are so many e-cigarette brands that it is actually difficult to keep track of them. Moreover, most promise a […]

Travel and living

World’s Largest Gold Mines

The increasing cost of gold over the last 5 years has created a significant interest in the trade of this precious metal. The scarcity of gold is obvious despite its high demand. There many gold mines around the world each with a varying production capacity. Mining of gold is only […]

Education Software

Types of Educational Software

The integration of computer software in the classroom is a priceless instructive and administrative tool that has transformed the landscape of every school district and every classroom across the country. A myriad of different software applications are utilized every day in the field of education; and one of the most delightful […]


Invest in Gold Bullion; Rake in Riches

Future Rings Uncertainty Future is always uncertain. No matter how much you get your future prediction readings done from an astrologer, numerologist, soothsayer, and others of the similar league, you still don't how what the future holds. You could win a fortune tomorrow or you could die of a car […]

Electronics Mobile devices

Cool Gadgets for Apple Devices

Although there are many device manufacturers like HP, Dell, and Microsoft, Apple has managed to stay ahead of the competition through sheer brilliance on the part of its creative designers and the quality team. This has created a high demand and popularity for Apple devices. Consequently, there are a number […]


How Pests Can Affect a Business

When your house is plagued with pests, it’s a difficult problem to solve. There are some creatures that you can easily get rid of, but some are more aggressive, more pervasive, and more stubborn. They won’t readily surrender, and you have to plan your defensive moves carefully in order to […]