Search Results for "iPhone app"


Alternatives to PBX or Hosted Phone Systems

In today's business world, everyone's looking for some way to get ahead. Whether that means cutting costs in seemingly unimportant areas, or finding new, cheaper, more exciting means to fix everyday problems, there's always someone looking for a way up the ladder, and this includes phone systems. Because of rising […]

Electronics Technology

Nymi Wristbands, A Social Justice Solution

Nymi Wristbands are the newest in identification technology, with Bionym, a Toronto-based company, announcing the creation of a wristband that uses the wearer’s heartbeat as an identification device, zeroing in on the user. This verifies the identity of the wearer, matching what the company has called the heartwave, which is […]


Best Video Conferencing Software

Unless you've lived under the rock for the past decade, you'd know that nothing comes cheap anymore. Business trips and long distance calls are far too time-consuming and expensive: nobody has the time to sit in ten-hour flights just for a three-hour meeting. It's not only costly and exhausting, it's […]

Web design

The Difference Between Vector and Raster Graphics

Knowing the difference between vector and raster graphics is crucial to understanding custom design. The two graphics tend to deliver different results, particularly when the image is blown-up (made larger). However, each composition has its benefits - so you should never rule out one over the other in the design process. The […]

Mobile devices

Ideas to Slash Your Cellphone Bill

Believe it or not, your monthly cell phone service bill is now your second highest monthly expense. To put that into perspective, that means you're paying more for your cell service than you are for gas, food, heating, or electricity. In fact, according to Nielsen, a global consumer research company, […]

Mobile devices

BlackBerry Q10 Vs. BlackBerry Z10

BlackBerry has made incredible progress in the past year, undergoing a significant rebranding and working to make the company truly relevant again. The BlackBerry Z10 and the BlackBerry Q10 for Verizon Wireless were both released, both quality phones, and the company is slowly making its way back into the game. […]