Search Results for "medications"

Elder care

Home Care vs. Assisted Living

As the American population ages, the number of elder care options has expanded to provide more choices for seniors. They can choose to stay in their own homes, with a range of services provided by caregivers. However, other seniors can benefit from assisted living facilities that have a number of […]


Is Medical Marijuana the Next Arthritis Treatment?

Marijuana is much in the news these days. What with Colorado’s legalizing of the drug for recreational usage and with the controversy raging over using marijuana as medicine, it’s getting hard to find unbiased, objective information on anything related to the plant. Recreational usage is a whole other topic, and […]


Natural Treatments for Epilepsy

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder triggered by excessive electrical activity within one's brain. It is a serious condition affecting the central nervous system, resulting in fits and seizures. In this disease the afflicted person suffers from recurrent and unprovoked seizures. Even though epilepsy is considered to be a generic disorder, […]


Periodontitis-Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

Gum disease, also known as periodontitis, can cause the loss of teeth if not treated. It starts with inflammation of the gums due to bacterial growth and gradually destroys the tissue that keeps the teeth in place. What is Periodontitis? Inflammation of the gums is called gingivitis, and it is […]


How Nature Helps for Avoiding Infertility in Women

Infertility is currently becoming a bigger problem especially in our society. Since people are going through more stress and living an unhealthy lifestyle all throughout the world, the rates of infertility are rising. There are several women all over the world that suffer from infertility and it is one very […]


Understanding the Importance of Sexual Health

Being health conscious today means aiming to maintain a healthy weight, eat a balanced diet and enjoy regular exercise. It also involves taking care of your sexual health by practicing safe sex at all times. This is because not to do so means running the risk of catching sexually transmitted […]

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Vaccinations Your Dog Should Get

Caring for your dog is important to the pet’s health, and a good owner will want to prevent them from coming down with serious diseases like Lyme Disease, rabies, and hepatitis, all of which can be prevented with vaccinations. Veterinarians are now looking into additional vaccinations that can prevent flu-like […]