Search Results for "underwear"


Eight Inventions to Shape the Future of Healthy Living

When you think of the future of healthy living you do not normally imagine inflated sneakers with electronic gadgets built attached to them. Well, what would you say if this invention soon became a recognized way of saving lives through encouraging people to exercise more and significantly reduce cardio vascular […]


5 Signs You are Ready for True Love

Assuming you are in your twenties, then you are probably looking for the love of your life. While most teenagers think that their first crush is the sure thing, the one, it usually ends up being, well, not exactly true love. People in their twenties, they have had enough time […]

Real estate

Ten Landlords from Hell

Apparently some landlords would think this is a desirable place to live. Finding a decent place to rent is a big concern for many of us. Prospective tenants spend ages viewing apartments, checking locations, securing jobs and researching what the local area is like, but when they think they've found […]


Hiking tips for beginners

Mountain hiking is an ideal activity for those who lack outdoorsy physical exercises, yet don't like sports which require quick outbursts of energy and excessive sweating. It is also an ideal way to recharge your batteries and make you feel like a brand new person after having a stressful week […]